Linton Ye Profile picture
Teaching designers React at React, React Native, Android, lifelong learner
Oct 22, 2019 15 tweets 5 min read
How to learn @Framer X?

The true power lies in code but it's a mountain to climb. Learn in this order:

1. Try overrides
2. A bit HTML/CSS
3. A bit JS/React
4. animate, variants, transition
5. useCycle
6. Revisit overrides
7. motionValue
8. More cool stuff

Thread (14 posts) 👇 1. Try overrides

Add a Frame. Add an "override" from properties panel. Preview it. Click "Edit code". Relax if the code looks scary. Change some values and see how it affects the result.

Useful mental model: think of the code editor as an enlarged, fancy property control.