How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App of the (not the only or biggest) reasons I moved a thousand miles is to get more FFS covered than Washington was willing to do.'s the one who had the meltdown! She's the one who's been flailing about something that has *never happened to her*. Other people including people within TYT have been trying to talk her down from this ledge and she just keeps getting worse about it.*lived experiences why does autocorrect hate that word so much you don't want to be compared to Nazis stop saying and believing Nazi things.'m the most in control of my life now than I've ever been and that only really started last year, and that a decade and a half after I started to find my own voice. It's been a long process and I've had a lot of help from beloved friends. I didn't start here, as many would claim man has launched a thousand dogpiles on trans women and allies but now he's the victim of people saying he sucks don't hate men, but I find it telling how people try so hard to police trans women's emotions and expressions by telling us that we're acting like terfs. We're not, because you see terfs want us dead. Men who have earned women's anger (and many have) act more like terfs."Do you find that the sound of someone's voice just makes you melt" yes I do and I'd do it again