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Maddie | She/Her/Kallai | Femme Lesbian | Invincible Sword Goddess | Combat Doll | We will not be complicit in our eradication - @ZoAndBehold #WeStandWithZooey
Joshua Cypess Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Why did I have to stumble across this

Lots of people defending this as not transphobic, that she "uses likes as bookmarks" etc. I'm not buying it.

Also the article fails to distinguish transmisogyny, which is what this is about.… So trans people are stepping up to say zebirdbrain isn't transphobic. But...both of these guys are guys, and she liked transmisogynist tweets attacking trans women. Why do trans guys get to litigate what counts as transmisogyny?
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The current backlash against trans people and our human rights is on a large scale similar to the very hostile and sometimes violent reactions individuals have had to me asserting boundaries about being trans or asking for better less discriminatory treatment. Like this has always been present to some degree on many different scales and for decades medicines purpose was to prevent us from being us and when they started allowing us to be us they did so in the most restrictive ways they could. We've never not been facing genocide.
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
cis people and tbh a lot of trans people need to sit down and reconsider their opinions on surgeries they'll never want or need.

To be clear, @bloomfilters is correct One of the (not the only or biggest) reasons I moved a thousand miles is to get more FFS covered than Washington was willing to do.
Apr 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The maleness assigned to trans women, whether labeled explicitly or such or "AMAB" used as a very transparent fig leaf isn't about biology or anatomy or socialization or privilege but an ontologically evil state trans women and transfems are expected to eternally atone for. Calling us male is an expression of power, an exploitation of transmisogynist systems, intended to control our behavior and limit our options. It's to punish us for others' violence. It's to permanently render us second class women.
Apr 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Hey can cis and TME people stop explaining transmisogyny and how misogyny affects TMA people to TMA people? Thanks. You always end up saying some nonsense like "trans women are male" or "trans women are AMAB" which is transmisogynist misgendering. Hope that helps! I'm increasingly not a fan of standpoint theory because I've seen people say some fake BS, usually in service to their own preferred bigotries, but at the same time I really feel like the vast majority of TME people really do not have the capacity to understand our oppression.
Apr 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Whenever a white cis woman talks about needing white cis men to defend her from scary anybody my instinct is to look for the exits A few years of violent ideation from white cishet weirdos angry about bathrooms will do that to a girl.

Actually I kid I've seen these women call for cis men to protect them from trans women for decades.
Apr 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Watching Ana Kasparian insist she's on the right side while the far right cheers her on is certainly something.

Ana and Cenk are really planning to go down with their ship on this one I guess. Ana's the one who had the meltdown! She's the one who's been flailing about something that has *never happened to her*. Other people including people within TYT have been trying to talk her down from this ledge and she just keeps getting worse about it.
Apr 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Kind of pondering how what we currently call "queerness" might be contingent culturally and that some forms of queerness are more socially acceptable than others, and that maybe there's a reason trans women and transfems see queerness in more of history than other people. Like transmisogyny isn't new, it wasn't invented in the 19th or 20th centuries. Saint Augustine wanted the transfeminine priestesses of the Temple of Magna Mater dead or at least prevented from living their lives, used exactly the same language as conservatives use today.
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People love to call transfems terfs when this is the quality of would-be critics of our analysis of our own loved experiences.

This thread isn't terf rhetoric
It's simply an exhaustive and poorly thought out justification of it.

Shut up and let us interpret our own lives. *lived experiences why does autocorrect hate that word so much
Mar 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A lot of cis people and some trans people will insist that when cis people gender you correctly they can tell you're trans and just being polite, but I can say having over my lifetime been hot and clocky, extremely not hot and clocky, and hot and not hot and passing that you can in fact tell the difference between cis people being nice and cis people not clocking you. They have tells, most of which are unconscious and not necessarily deliberate. Like my mother would reflexively talk about me as if I was a guy even when she used the correct pronouns and
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
LRT: in a world full of trans women: "Goddesses depicted with penises are obviously a third gender" 😔 !!!!

Mar 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I wonder what it's like to not be part of an oppressed group.

Imagine what that must be like. Imagine if everyone got to live like that

I've never had that experience, only the experience of not knowing I wasn't alone I only learned there were other trans people at around 10 years old. I didn't even know I was disabled for another two decades. Strangely, not knowing things didn't protect me from transmisogynist violence from a very early age.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Nazis agree with you about trans women and their solution was to send trans women to concentration camps. Your lack of solidarity with marginalized women is not a matter of moral righteousness on your part. Your lack of shame about your white supremacist ideology is sad. If you don't want to be compared to Nazis stop saying and believing Nazi things.
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I have to say that a lot of people are entirely too defensive about and hostile to anyone expressing "hey this ostensibly cis person seems/seemed like they could be trans." The reality is that there's trans yearning all over film, literature, comics... silencing talk about that as a supposed matter of decorum is weird.

(disagreeing on interpretation of available information is different from this pls don't conflate them)
Mar 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is really frustrating. I spent years learning to assert myself and have a voice and as soon as I expressed it I heard that I only had that confidence because of "male socialization." I went through this too - the torture, the silencing, the attacks, the pain. I'm the most in control of my life now than I've ever been and that only really started last year, and that a decade and a half after I started to find my own voice. It's been a long process and I've had a lot of help from beloved friends. I didn't start here, as many would claim
Mar 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm not going to address her specifically, but I started transition in 1987 and Harry Benjamin's treatment protocols did not benefit me. My psych not following them closely probably saved my life. I'm really fortunate for being able to transition when I did at the age I did. Following Benjamin's ideas I would have been delayed even more when I was already past the end of my rope when I finally got E at 18.
Mar 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Just know that when you make derogatory jokes about Jesse Singal, he will absolutely see them and mald about it until the end of time no one stop This man has launched a thousand dogpiles on trans women and allies but now he's the victim of people saying he sucks
Mar 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is hilarious because terfs don't hate men, terfs hate trans women. Trans women have every reason to hate men, having had to spend far too much time around their unfiltered misogyny. It has nothing to do with their genitals, it has to do with their behavior. I don't hate men, but I find it telling how people try so hard to police trans women's emotions and expressions by telling us that we're acting like terfs. We're not, because you see terfs want us dead. Men who have earned women's anger (and many have) act more like terfs.
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I like this document on how to identify terfs.

Doesn't once mention any of the stuff TME people call TMA people terfs over and centers trans women and transfems as primary terf targets, and how terfs demonize us.… Not once does it say "terfs are about hating men"

there's a reason for that
Jun 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
er yes although far more than just that

luckily she's a voice actress and also talks to me "Do you find that the sound of someone's voice just makes you melt" yes I do and I'd do it again
Jun 8, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Everyone in the LGBT umbrella actually has good reason to not want to be around cishet men.

We need to be able to talk about this and how the violence that primarily comes from cishet men harms us.

It's not fucking terf rhetoric. We can do this while being sensitive to people wanting to bring their partners into queer spaces. We can do this while being sensitive to bi women in general, to trans women in general, to trans men who might be mistaken for such in general.