Anneke Profile picture
Parent. Advocate. Writer. Still pushing for safe schools & C19 truths. #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #CovidIsAirborne
Jan 13 19 tweets 3 min read
On March 27, 2024 @WHO published a TL;DR report titled “Indoor airborne risk assessment in the context of SARS-CoV-2”

Here’s a few excerpts & my interpretations from a layman’s perspective …
🧵 It’s two pronged purpose was to:

-Provide a “description of airborne transmission mechanism”

-And to create a “method to develop a new standardized model for risk assessment”
Dec 31, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
In Aug 2022, BC’s Provincial Infection Control Network updated its document titled: “C19: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol Transmission in Health-Care Settings.”

Then a year later, in Sept 2023, it was archived for “historical reference only.”

Let’s take a look, shall we?
🧵 First, these were the three specific topics that were last updated:

“Transmission risk from direct & indirect contact”

“Risk factors associated with increased risk of aerosol transmission w/possible longer distance spread”
Dec 22, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Back in April 2022- right after masks were lifted in schools!- the Fed health minister announced that the CIHR was investing 6.7 mil into a Cda-wide research platform to better understand C19’s impact on children & young people.

Hmm, I wonder what they’ve learned, don’t you?
🧵 Btw, the platform is called POPCORN, which stands for “Paediatric Outcomes Improvement through Coordination of Research Networks.” And studies are taking place across 16 Cdn research sites.

Here’s article with Minister Duclos’s announcement:…
Dec 7, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
In my quest to continue to dig into what was known, I’ve learned that at least as far back as March 2021, Canada’s health leaders & FL providers, knew all about C19’s serious cardiac implications in kids, whether there were underlying conditions or not. #LongCovidKids
🧵1/ As per this from a TREKK (Translating Emergency Knowledge in Kids) fact sheet to emergency dept HC providers: “Cardiac presentations are not frequent but have included heart failure, pericarditis, arrhythmias, hypotension/shock, chest pain, palpitations, syncope and fatigue."
Dec 4, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
A summary of early McKinsey article on C19 in kids/schools & their influence since pandemic outset.

Remember: gov’ts & public health in Cda & beyond were all too willing to oblige as evidenced by what was done (keep kids in unsafe schools) & wasn’t done (protect them!)

A 🧵… April 2020 article titled “How to safely reopen schools after C19 closures,” McKinsey lights match for gaslighting to come, by stating: “schools provide not just learning & social support for students but also, crucially, childcare, w/o which many parents cannot return to work.”
Oct 14, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
The long-term consequences of this never-ending pandemic are forever altering lives.

Case in point: A typical bad day for me now is exponentially worse than any pre-pandemic bad day. Here’s my new “bad day” normal…
🧵 1/ Two weeks ago, I was 2 days into an out of town visit helping care for my Mom. Since her cognitive issues are consistent w/frontal temporal dementia, she has lost all decision making capability, is prone to frequent inappropriate behaviour & inconsolable outbursts. 2/
May 21, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ I’m reading up on this court case btwn Henry & unvaxxed HCWs & think it’s interesting that there was no scrutiny into what constitutes “fully vaxxed.” Since as per Henry’s HCW vax order, an over two year outdated 2-dose primary series still qualifies.… 2/ Specifically, in her HCW vax order & when she was questioned about it during a PH briefing, Henry explains benefits of hybrid immunity-that HCWs even w/outdated vaccines that were also infected w/C19 recovered faster, posed lower risk to patients & reduced absenteeism rates:
May 7, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/ Gee, I wonder where countries around the world, incl Canada, got the idea that eradicating absenteeism & subsequent learning loss was more important than protecting students from a disabling disease or supporting them in their recovery when they’re sick. Oh, I know…. 2/ You see, according to McKinsey- yes, of course it’s McKinsey!- it’s not only about making sure kids are in school so parents go to work in the short term. Apparently, as per their Apr/22 article, it’s also about preventing catastrophic economic losses over the next 15 years.
Mar 25, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Last week, I was told there was a “cold” virus spreading in my Mom’s memory care facility. And that she was sick. And now, of course, it’s been confirmed that the “cold” was actually C19 & it’s still spreading like wildfire. But that’s not the worst thing that happened… You see, a nurse came into my Mom’s room to take her temperature. But as has happened frequently in the past, my Mom got scared. Only this time my Mom backed away too quickly, falling onto the arm of a chair, landing on the floor, crying out in pain.
Mar 14, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Case in point: After 1st C19 infection, my kind/independent Mom began exhibiting lack of empathy/apathy. 2+ infections later, dramatic behaviour changes. MRI showed “atrophy disproportionately marked in right to temporal lobe.” Now she’s most difficult resident in 24hr facility:( MRI summary: Multiple sm areas of increased signal intensity in frontal parietal & posterior temporal lobe white matter consistent w/mild changes of leukoaraiosis. Disproportionately marked in right cerebral hemi, particularly right to temporal lobe. Pattern=possible form of FTD.
Feb 1, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
On Apr 20, 2023, @PHSAofBC Board Chair, Tim Manning read out inquiry from a member of public about patient health & legal ramifications of allowing sick HCWs to return to work. Pls note this mtg took place week after Dr. Henry rescinded HC mandatory masking. Here’s full Q & A:
🧵 Q: “In light of the PH advice incl from regional health authorities under your jurisdiction & your employee, Dr. Henry, that HCWs do not need to test for C19, may go to work w/C19 & may expose patients to C19, is the board aware that the @CMPAmembers (Cdn Med Protective Assoc)…”
Dec 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ I’ve updated my Part 3 timeline summary of all known about LC in B.C. to reflect that Skowronski received evidence of the long term harms in children, all the while, she & her co-authors, including Henry, were conducting their seroprevalence study.…
A screenshot with the excerpt of the updated portion of my Part 3 piece about what was known when about long Covid by B.C’s gov’t & public health officials:   “Please note that this multitude of long covid research from the OCSO was being received by Skowronski while she and her co-authors, including Dr. Henry, were conducting their cross-sectional SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study. Their study's sero-surveys began in March 2020 and ended in August 2022, at which time their research concluded that infection-induced cases in B.C's children and youth had culminated to reach ~80%. Yet, between J... 2/ I’ve also added an addendum to my Part 2 piece about all that was revealed in B.C. FOI documents (& more!) to keep record of Minister Dix’s affirmations on Hansard while he was being questioned in the legislature by Sonia Fursteneau on April 27, 2023.…
***Addendum After writing this, there was yet another instance of truth-telling in the B.C legislature. On April 27, 2023, during Committee of Supply Debate (3:40-3:54), Furstenau challenged Dix on the facts about what was known, as revealed in my piece above, as well as emphasizing that, to date, BC PH briefings were devoid of any LC education or info about the risks of multi-system organ damage.  In his response, while reading from what sounds like the same legislature fact sheet revealed in the above F.O.I,, Dix proudly stated on the record that "with respect to long COVID, we start...
Oct 25, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Since Oct 6/23, there’s new BC PH orders requiring HC/residential care workers to provide vax status proof. And upon review, here’s my takeaways: 1) Henry’s C19 PH emergency’s still ongoing, 2) it’s rife with disinfo/justifications 3) & it’s all about shifting blame.
🧵 Thread. First, here’s section confirming that Henry is still very much enjoying her emergency powers. It also confirms her admissions that C19 still poses serious PH threat. Since w/o these declarations by her, she would have no justification for a continued BC C19 PH emergency: Epidemiology of C19 A. On March 17, 2020, I provided notice under section 52 (2) of the PH Act that the transmission of the infectious agent SARS-CoV-2, which has caused cases, clusters & outbreaks of a serious communicable disease known as COVID-19 among the population of the Province of BC, constitutes a regional event as defined in section 51 of the Public Health Act, and I continue to believe that the criteria described in section 52 (2) of the PH Act continue to be met for the following reasons: (a) In view of the history & ongoing mutation of SARS-CoV-2, & uncertainty which exists abo...
Oct 21, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Hey, remember back in Nov, 2020 when Dr. Henry continued to refuse to follow other provinces & issue a PH order to mandate masks in public spaces? Well, I found an F.O.I that sheds light on her behind the scenes resistance & finger-pointing. #bcpoli
🧵 A thread… 1st, a reminder of Henry & PR team’s Nov16/20 Op Ed: “An order can never replace our personal commitment. We need to be responsible for our own actions-that is how we all pull together. I wear a mask & I expect each of you who *can* to wear one too.”…
Oct 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵 1/ Re: #PaxlovidBC
Here’s eligibility form that BC physicians must fill out for patients. And guess what? At bottom of page, there’s glimmer of hope! If deemed ineligible, patients are invited into a pan-Cdn C19 study!…
NOTE: B.C. residents who do not meet the above eligibility criteria for Paxlovid may be eligible to participate in a non-profit COVID-19 treatment study. Visit for details. 2/ The study’s called CanTreatCovid. And even tho 49 & under must meet eligibility criteria, if you’re 50+, you qualify regardless! But hurry b/c you must be symptomatic w/i last 5 days. And participation is *voluntary* even tho it’s your last option!
Sep 21, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Oh boy! On the heels of their communicable disease K-12 guidance-where C19 is only mentioned once re: vaccination-the BCCDC has just updated their “C19 illness in Children” online section. And here’s the pendulum of truths, myths & lies… 2/
“C19 will continue to circulate in our population. When C19 spreads in our communities, it can also spread in settings such as schools, childcare facilities, & other places where people get together.”
Sep 13, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
Okay, I did another dive into info unveiled in @PoPNB_kindness @HallwayOrchard Right to Info response. This time re: all known about LC in kids by BC seroprevalence study’s principal investigator, Danuta Skowronski. All the while infections rising & #bced schools unsafe. 2/ Specifically, re: email list revealed by PoPNB, there’s evidence Skowronski rec'd 19 PCC reports from Cda’s Office of the Chief Science Officer btwn July, 2021 & July, 2022. Inclusive of 340 LC studies, numerous articles & fact summaries. The reports:
Aug 28, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
With Sept right around the corner, VOCs on the rise & the scarcity of BC family doctors, here's a little rundown on the updated help available if (when) you find yourself in the *debilitated with LC* camp. Spoiler alert: You're on your own! #bcpoli
Here we go...🧵 1/ So, this PHSA webpage still asks: "Are you a B.C. resident struggling w/PC symptoms & looking for help?" And it still reveals LC truths contrary to PH messaging. But there's now a detailed pathway to help you navigate your self-help journey… 2/…
Aug 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/ Since the carefully crafted walls of secrecy about all that was known about LC/PCC by PH/Gov’t officials are hopefully starting to crack, I thought I’d share, in order, the pieces I’ve written to date on this subject as it relates to B.C…
#bcpoli 2/ As far back as Spring 2020, B.C was ahead of the pack when it came to access to real-time updated info about LC & PC multi-system damage via it’s PC Recovery Clinics & it’s one of a kind PC Interdisciplinary Clinical Care Network. My 1st piece:…
Aug 9, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
Back in May/23, I set my sights on Open Gov't Cda & sifted thru previously submitted “Access to Info” requests. I narrowed my search to LC/PCC, Special Advisory Committee on C19 & generally known info early on.

The following 🧵 shines light on 1st response re: LC/PCC & PHAC. Before diving in, I must say that the Feds don't make previously completed ATI requests easy to access. The only info immediately viewable is the org name, date & request summary. Then an "informal request" form must be completed/submitted.
Jun 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ As per this McKinsey air travel article cited in Canada’s Industry Strategy Council Report, the overriding theme is that C19 safety protocols are bad for business. And the main goal instead should be to reduce “traveller anxiety.”
The following are a couple key excerpts… 2/ “Any further advance of cold or sterile experiences as a result of the (appropriate) pursuit of safety could radically shift behaviors toward simpler experiences, such as choosing to drive instead of fly, or could even dampen the overall recovery.” “Safety must be the first priority. Wherever possible, however, intensified health and hygiene protocols should be implemented in ways that avoid making journeys more difficult in the aftermath of the pandemic—for example, the way that travel became logistically more complex after 9/11 because of additional security measures. The imperative to move fast has often meant unilateral decision making, rather than solutions developed through quick, iterative feedback. Any further advance of cold or sterile experiences as a result of the (appropriate) pursuit of safety could radically shift behavi...