rae🌤 Profile picture
dongren and dreamies | works: https://t.co/0TK9M77NMt
Aug 30, 2022 • 36 tweets • 18 min read
a #RENHYUCK english short au

; spotlight

following popstar!joone’s increasing popularity, bodyguard!hc is assigned as his personal security detail. although clashing at first, they soon find comfort in each other’s presence, and falling in love becomes inevitable. ImageImageImage DISCLAIMER

; fictional work
; kinda the bodyguard-ish?
; bxb
; renhyuck
; written in english
; ignore timestamps and typos
; cw // harshwords (lots of them), other cw will be provided throughout
; since i aimed this to be a short au, the pace will be fast
Aug 26, 2022 • 34 tweets • 18 min read
a #RENHYUCK english mini au

where rjun’s new boss was someone he met when he crashed his ex’s wedding. it also doesn’t help that mr lee is so damn attractive. ImageImageImage ; fiction
; bxb
; renhyuck with exes!jaeren
; written in english
; ignore timestamps and typos
; cw // harshwords
Jul 19, 2022 • 27 tweets • 12 min read
—hyuckren / renhyuck lokal mini au

; danaraga


# episode 2: ketika raga sakit ImageImageImage ; bxb
; fiksi
; ignore timestamps & typo
; banyak harshwords
Jun 27, 2022 • 70 tweets • 36 min read
126. ImageImageImageImage 127. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 9, 2022 • 138 tweets • 68 min read
hyuckren/renhyuck/dongren/haeren short lokal au

—special order

siapa sangka, ternyata tukang nasgor depan kompleklah yang dapat menyembuhkan luka hati riyu. Image disclaimer:
- 100% fiksi alias halu cuy
- bxb, jgn salpak
- main ship: renhyuck/hyuckren (r-nj-n & h—ch-n), ex!markren
- written in indo (possibly with lil bit of eng)
- pake nama + latar lokal
- ignore timestamps
- cw/harsh words
- rt, likes and comments are appreciated🥰