One Cult, Two Cults. Red Cult, Blue Cult. 🇵🇸 Profile picture
On break from shitposting cultists red & blue. Yes, I took your 10th Grade Civics class then got an actual degree in how govt works.
Jul 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Knowing the country is running on autopilot by departments stuck in silos because Biden was focused on disguising jis condition explains so many things about the last couple years.

Things like our inability to respond to anything in reasonable time be it Boeing or Baltimore... That we passed billions for EV charge stations and got less than 10 started in 2 years.

Lack of accountability for weapons to Ukraine.

It puts a lot in perspective.

Sure some of these folks may be incompetent, but they're running on zero leadership from the top.
Jun 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Anyone else feel like this is the beginning of the collapse of the United States?

Because it seems like enough wheels are starting to fall out that no matter what we're going into a bad place. And because people get super weird about language.

Yes I know it's been in rapid decline for decades.

This is different. This is point of no return where the collapse accelerates toward freefall.

This is when the breaks start happening.
Apr 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Democrats flipping the bird at young people by making student loan forgiveness illegal is a really good way to ensure Millennials & Zoomers never vote for your party ever again.

Best of luck, Boomers.
Clearly you don't need us.
Don't blame us when y'all lose. No kidding.

If they're making these onerous student loan provisions for flight & aviation related programs, they're gonna support it in other bills too.

And makes it all the much harder to do any kind of broad forgiveness that would be challenged.
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

We're not allowed to criticize Queen Pelosi about her publicly disclosed financial transactions until she's investigated, tried in convicted by the system she oversees.

While screaming about Republicans who use the same argument only with Trump?

BlueMAGA at it's finest Inflammatory & half baked says the person who accused us of being envious of "financial success" for criticizing Nancy Pelosi's insider trading.

But go on crying about a lack of civility toward people brunching on boot confit to defend multimillionaires
Aug 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The war in Ukraine is providing cover for Eastern European countries to blame Russia for their being racist toward Muslim refugees and leaving them to die.

A refugee crisis they helped contribute to by helping us invade & destabilize Iraq.

But want us to welcome their refugees. I want to make it clear.... countries like Lithuania, Poland Hungary and the like literally left poor Iraqi and Syrian refugees to die at the border and didn't even pretend it was for any reason other than their being Muslim.
Aug 5, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
As nice as it would be to blame it on Trump, about half of households never recovered from 2008 as of 2019.

10/14 years under Dem leaders.

And are now running record credit card debt in 2022.

There is a reason a buffoon masquerading as a populist was able to win. ImageImageImage One of the main basis for the Great Recession was Clinton removing Glass Steagall & other New Deal protections that led to predatory loans, speculative gambling and others.

Bush threw gas on the fire.

And Obama bailed them out so they could rise anew.
Aug 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Folks keep posting about the #Bidenboom over job numbers as though most people *aren't* living paycheck to paycheck and racking up record credit card debt to make ends meet on wages not keeping up with inflation. Can you go to almost any retail store or restaurant and find a help wanted sign?


But those minimum wage & near minimum wage gigs aren't the foundation of a healthy economy. Especially not one where the median national rent is about 2k a month.
Aug 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Cool story.

What about those of us who didn't have home to commute back to & whose Pell Grant only paid ⅔ their in state public uni tuition before getting into books, fees and God forbid the necessities of living.

Or does nobody else's circumstances matter if you got yours. I don't know why these people always think they're unique in working while getting an education.

Most of us worked.

It was enough to pay for the part of tuition, books and fees not covered by the Pell Grant.

Then guess what, I needed a roof.