💥 Lady Lou of South Wales💥 Profile picture
⭐️ Happiness is amazing. It’s so amazing that it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or someone else’s ⭐️ #TogetherWeStandDividedWeFall
Dec 29, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Let’s not forget Chris Whittys words

1) ‘At an individual level, the chance of anyone watching this dying of coronavirus, are actually low. Over the whole epidemic EVEN IF WE HAVE NO VACCINE, a high proportion of people will not get this… 2) ‘Of those that do get it, a significant proportion- that number is not yet clear- but, ah, it’s certainly a significant proportion, have no symptoms at all- they get it without even realising. Of those that do get symptoms, the great majority- probably around 80%