Each of Doge's major rallies this year has been smaller and less aggressive. What took 18 hours at first has been ongoing for 2 days now.
I suspect this is the final push before it's all over for good. May 8th is the day to watch.
130-150 sats has been resistance for like 482 years for every bubble, every cycle.
We're now 10x that so uhh watch out
Mar 14, 2020 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
With the insurance fund having lost 0btc from this crash, I feel like I need to post my thoughts about the events of March 13th. The following thread is my opinion on what happened on Bitmex during the crash, an opinion that has been refuted by Bitmex
Considering they have not released a post-mortem, these conclusions are mine alone.
Bitmex ceased to be a fully functioning exchange for about 18 hours, and got completely fucked for a couple hours at the bottom. Completely disconnected from the rest of the market.
Mar 13, 2020 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Flash crashes & insane days that I've personally partaken in. The days that stand out in my memory. Random pics added
2013: Silk Road flash crash
2013: China bubble top, +80%, -57% in two days
2013: Overall market dump to $380
2014: Gox death
2014: Breaking of the bear trendline
2014: Bearwhale on Bitstamp (this fucked me real good)
2014: First futures mini-bubble to $475
2015: Capitulation to $166
2015: Coinbase lunar
2015: Mousegroup DDOS
2015: Finex flash crash
2015: okcoin quarterlies broke $400 support
2016: Ethereum DAO flash crash
2016: Finex hack
May 17, 2019 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Bitstamp just got completely destroyed by the algo.
Really can't wait to see if they release a post-mortem on this. Looks like a 3600 btc sell algo was just wiping the book all the way down sitting on the ask side the whole time.
I've never seen anything quite like this before. I've seen similar things, but nothign that moved the market nearly 20%.