Larry Sanger Profile picture
See Purveyor of obvious truths, ex-founder of Wikipedia. Now president, @ks_found. Buy 69,020 books on a thumb drive! 🇺🇸✞
76 subscribers
Mar 20 6 tweets 3 min read
Wikipedia says that Yahweh—you know, the Almighty God, Jehovah, the Lord God of the Bible, God the Father—was "the primary deity and the head of the pantheon of the polytheistic religion of Yahwism."

Yes, really. "Pantheon." "Polytheistic." Image Wikipedia is not quoting anyone. It is asserting this in its own voice. The definition has boldly asserted that Yahweh was one of a pantheon since anonymous user "JustTheFacts" made the change on February 13. Before that, too, others had claimed further down in the article that the religion of the Jews was originally polytheistic.

It does not mention the fact that all Christians worship Yahweh.

The article:

Below is a screenshot of the Feb. 13 version.Image
Feb 26 7 tweets 2 min read
Hi @ElonMusk. Wikipedia co-founder here. May I ask you to determine what branches of the U.S. government—if any!—have employees paid to edit, monitor, update, lobby, etc., WIkipedia?

Such operations should be defunded, if any. If there are *none*, we’d like to know. Agree? For people who don’t know me:
- I left WIkipedia in 2002.
- I have been a critic since 2004.
- The Wikipedia process is almost as opaque to me as it is to you.
- Yes it’s biased, I’ve said so for a long time. See my blog (
- I do
Apr 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
More evidence that the push for censorship and thought control on Wikipedia went right up to the top.

Appalling. Even ten years ago, a CEO of a free information organization saying this sort of thing in America would have been basically unthinkable. How far we have fallen. Wikipedia is badly biased…
Mar 20, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The man there with the future king gave to hospitals so he could rape children in the hospitals.

He had a group of people he literally did Satanic rituals with.

He copulated with corpses.

The king of England was pals with a demon.

Satanic ritual abuse—this is far from the only report about his horrifyingly demonic practices.

We’re supposed to believe the king knew nothing of this.…
Nov 22, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Imagine the amount of specialized knowledge it requires to deal intelligently with all the problems of a 21st century megastate, from foreign policy, to finance, business, and economics, to every aspect of American society.

This is important. 👇 Call them "bureaucrats," but they include the Joint Chiefs, deep CIA, FBI, and NSA insiders, the extremely sophisticated diplomatic corps, the Fed Board, DoE nuclear security officials, etc., etc.

The Deep State, right?
Oct 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@21WIRE @elonmusk Any rising (or new and already dominant) system will be carefully studied and ruthlessly gamed. Anyone who has watched the development of different social media systems knows this. There are people who make their careers in PR and intelligence on this. @TYonClubhouse @21WIRE @elonmusk @TYonClubhouse Remember too how closely Twitter worked with spy agencies. Why suppose this has changed? Are we just going to *trust* that, when it matters to the Establishment, they will always allow facts to be endorsed by this system? 🤔
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Twitter HQ, Oct. 2022—

Musk: There’s a new plan to increase revenue. We charge $8/month for blue checks.

Investor: Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. Nobody will pay that.

Musk: Oh? But you forget, conservatives think I’m one of them. $8/month to support the cause! Own the libs!
👇 Emp.: But then you alienate all the liberal A-listers who gave the blue check its cachet in the first place.

Musk: Temporarily. In 2023 we hire a new liberal CEO who resumes the crackdown on misinformation.

Inv.: Well, then you’ll lose all the conservatives!

May 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I might be wrong that transgenderism is just a dangerous fad.

Many people who seriously think they are the caring, decent, loving ones—not ironically, but really and truly—go to schools and churches where gender will be optional and trans kids are normal and everywhere. They will BE the Establishment. They know they’re liberal, but also they’re the normal smart people.

To them, the weirdos who reject transgenderism will increasingly look like the racists of the 50s and the homophobes of 80s: embarrassing at best, just plain evil at worst.
Apr 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
When I first heard about it in the mid-teens (2015?), the notion of “medical transition” of children struck me as wrong, but I didn’t instantly think it was evil and should be banned.

I now think so. 👇 Frankly, when I first heard of it, I wasn’t quite sure I believed it or understood even what was going on.

We all have learned a lot since then.

Kids can’t consent to such life-altering procedures, in the same way they can’t consent to sex. So many kids later regret it.
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
majority =/= hegemony =/= supremacy =/= supremacism

This activist is one of the better examples of how the left has become a parody of itself. Note the rare “replies restricted ratio anyway” found in the wild!
Mar 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Christians were targeted in Nashville by a trans man (who everyone “deadnames,” go figure).

In response, the woke demand sympathy for trans people and eagerly prepare for Saturday’s “Trans Day of Vengeance.”… The fact that the legacy media all seem 100% agreed that the person’s name is Audrey, not Aiden, and a she, not a he, when this person has come out as a trans man, is very, very telling.
Mar 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
One thing not on the horizon for AI is a “self-willed apparatus.” To possess a will of its own, it would have to be a living being. Without an organism and real homeostasis to maintain, robots will never be alive.

The threat they pose = multiplying the will of wealthy owners. An object cannot have a will of its own if it is not alive. Will essentially proceeds from and is meaningless without life; will is a function of life.

A robot that is programmed to act randomly or whose complexity is so profound as to seem random does not gain a will thereby.
Mar 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
James 2:24 (“by works a man is justified, and not by faith only”) and 2:26 (“faith without works is dead”) have long been “hard sayings” for the *sola fide* doctrine. And Jesus said many similar things. My attempt to make sense of this:👇 I’m aware that *sola fide* theology has resources to take these verses on board.

Here is the important point to on this, it seems to me: there are many verses that say we are saved by faith alone. But none clarify what saving faith is without things that sound like “works.”
Mar 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
As it seems to us God and decency are under attack, we should remember the far more extreme persecution the first Christians lived through—and they prayed for their own executioners.

Remember Paul’s words: Paul learned this from his master, of course.
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@DanielBWallace Did you ever publish this in book form?… @DanielBWallace I am looking for a good one-year 400-600 page NT intro/survey that (a) skips over all the boring and speculative research areas led by nonbelievers and (b) focuses instead on themes, structures, characters, etc., of keen interest to people who actually believe the Bible.
Mar 8, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
I believe we all might benefit from a grassroots (important!) campaign to confirm each other’s social media accounts as those of real human beings.

How? 👇 The basic idea is that I know, because I have met in person or interacted enough by video chat, that certain other Twitter accounts are owned, and presumably used legitimately (not using AI), by real people.

I could “vouch” for several dozen Twitter accounts of folks I know.
Feb 25, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Interested in a two-year (but in-depth) Bible study? See below for details, join, and comment below, if so. 👇 Here's the three-part plan:
(1) Read the Bible chronologically. This involves, e.g., reading Samuel-Kings concurrently with Chronicles, interspersing psalms and books of prophecy where relevant (but most of them with the story of David), and using Acts as a spine for the letters.
Feb 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The number of people liking and praising this coward, who kicked a woman for saying abortion is murder, is seriously outrageous.

The silver lining is that it is a rich source of accounts to block—so much “brutal, bad, and stupid” gathered together… I’ve been reading the wildly supportive reactions, and so many of them.

This puts something into perspective. Never again do I need to doubt that there are massive mobs of moral idiots, ethical zombies, programmed human beings.

This is what the evil mob looks like.
Feb 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This person—who is no pastor—has a perverted and evil doctrine. The word "church" might be on the building he is babbling (not preaching) in, but it is a club, not a church, and the club does not represent God's Church. A few more comments below. 👇 You, if you believe in the Bible (or the Koran for that matter) might say that it goes without saying that we repudiate this. Sure.

But I say that when we fail to repudiate it openly and loudly, we make it easier for these false teachers to operate with impunity.
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Listen and consider, conservatives. Truth and love, yes. But zealous and unflinching defense of truth, without sparing the feelings of those viciously attacking the truth—also yes. @LeftTheCoast have you seen this? How do you respond?
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Just curious about my followers.

Consider this rather loosely connected list: polytheism, the New Age, transhumanism, the occult, Wicca, astrology, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Satanism, Luciferianism.

Do you feel attracted to *any* belief system in this list? What do they have in common? Roughly, the belief (or pretense thereof) that there is a superior, higher spirit world—not that of Almighty God—by reference to which we can become godlings, in which we legislate our own nature and morality.