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Hedningarna Wardruna Heilung Wimme #HeathensAgainstHate
Nov 26, 2018 8 tweets 8 min read
@okeefekat @AngryBlackLady @veleda_k @mrsdianek I hear you, you never know what the g'mnt might do in the future, but to set the record straight 100s of people go on the suspect list in these cases through traditional police work. Adding genetic genealogy analysis eliminates most or all of these innocent ppl. 1/ @okeefekat @AngryBlackLady @veleda_k @mrsdianek "Close enough" would be usually siblings of the same gender, and those are usually quickly and easily eliminated through other circumstantial factors. "Exonerates" is a loaded term and inaccurate because no one ever charges them with anything. 2/