Lucy Homan Profile picture
Invisibly disabled, non-binary, plural, queer, sexqueer, supersexual, trans femme; gaming before you were born, polyamoury, parenting, disability, & sex; ze/zir
Jul 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I literally told people in 2016 that it was time to leave the USA if they could because it was going to get bad. Democrats did nothing and in 2020 nominated a man who believed Republicans were good people. Now, like this person, they act like they have a plan? Pfffft I have compared the Democrats to the useless liberals who helped the fascists take power in Germany because they didn't understand the danger. Apparently, they still don't
Sep 1, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
The politics of disgust unite seemingly-disparate political philosophies and not knowing that is misleading people. Like how some people can't see how SWERFs, TERFs, and fascists are uniting because of their shared politics of disgust. First off, the politics of disgust is politics based on actual disgust. Nazis are where I learned about it, and they are the classical example. They are very concerned that no one think or do or *be* anything that disgusts them and unite with others with similar disgusts.