Luigi Warren Profile picture
Just the guy who put mRNA on the map and figured out what Shi Zheng-Li has been hiding. Also: luigi_warren at and #DeSantisRepublican
6 subscribers
Jul 5, 2022 47 tweets 18 min read
Quick thread pulling together my notes on this long-forgotten 1962 case, which I believe could be pivotal in the emergence of the Zodiac Killer. I'm writing from the viewpoint that I believe George Hodel (1907-1999) was the Zodiac, as originally proposed by his son, Steven Hodel. Also relevant to certain of my interpretations below, I tend to credit Steve Hodel's theory that George Hodel got his start as a killer and media manipulator as a mere lad of 13, and could be the mysterious motorist in the sensational 1921 kidnap-murder of Father Patrick Heslin.
May 1, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
A prime suspect... "...but they are only finding the easy ones, there are a hell of a lot more down there."
Apr 28, 2022 19 tweets 7 min read
Did the airline stewardess witness in the 1962 Donna Frislie case spot George Hodel at the tail of one of his end-of-trip R&R exploits? Coz, shave off the mustache and that composite is the spitting image of George Hodel in 1962. Was he the "well-dressed" man? Image
Nov 10, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
What do you think folks, should I bother to appeal? @BrianOSheaSPI @RWMaloneMD thoughts?
Sep 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ According to Bob Woodward's BUSH AT WAR, in an NSC meeting of October 17, 2001, VP Dick Cheney, his aide "Scooter" Libby and DCI George Tenet agreed that the anthrax letters represented a WMD play by a state sponsor of 9/11, and that this assessment needed to stay on the QT. 2/ Less than two weeks later, Woodward co-authored an anonymously-sourced piece for the WaPo suggesting the anthrax was a distraction from the "War on Terror" and implicating "domestic extremists" in the letter campaign. Nothing has emerged in 20 years to support that assessment.
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ And, one possibility is certainly that these are just crappy vaccines which give short-lived immunity and which the virus can easily mutate around. Similar, then, to flu vaccines, only worse -- kind of what you might expect given the history of attempted coronavirus vaccines. 2/ The more ominous possibility, also presaged by the history of attempts to develop vaccines against SARS, the nearest relevant target, is that escape mutants disseminated by vaxxed bodies could lead to ADE/vaccine-induced enhancement by any of a variety of related mechanisms.
Jul 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A slightly paradoxical take, indeed. Huh?
May 1, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
@pangolins13 @ITGuy1959 1/ Insufficient testing/unknown long term effects is a major concern with all the Warped Speed vaccines, regardless of technology. There's also growing empirical evidence that they have high levels of side effects. The decision-making process around the use of these vaccines is @pangolins13 @ITGuy1959 2/ completely corrupt and driven by bad actors with agendas that have nothing to do with our well being (Fauci, Bancel, Biden, etc.) There are serious theoretical concerns about the selective pressure these vaccines (all of which express only the SARS-2 spike protein) exert on
Apr 29, 2021 27 tweets 6 min read

Question: Has Mass Vaccination Decreased or Increased COVID-19 Mortality in Sweden? Fundamentally, that question comes down to whether we believe the sharp and unexpected resurgence in the virus concomitant with the onset of mass vaccination was driven by mass vaccination, or we believe that is simply a coincidence.
Apr 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Fauci Reportedly Relaunched NIH Gain-of-Function Research without Consulting White House…
Apr 18, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
@naomirwolf @politico It's from Shi Zheng-Li's paper describing her recovery of 4991, SARS-2's nearest known relative, from a Mojiang mine where miners died of a C19-like disease in 2012. How is it not being investigated? Because Fauci faked everybody out, like the consummate political operator he is. @naomirwolf @politico Here's the paper:…
Mar 22, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ Looking at FOHM's excellent data set, C19 mortality in Swede, which had a major primary urban epidemic and where the virus has been given almost free rein for a year, is about 1/15000, compared ... @RolandBaker @ElonBachman @Undergroundsar3 @KevinMcH3 @naomirwolf @NassMeryl 2/ compared to this 1/30,000 number for one, newly-discovered fatal side effect of the AZ vaccine recorded in Norway -- apparently being seen primarily in young people, though the article we're discussing doesn't give full details. But the true comparison is not with 1/15000 ...
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@TimTravis2 @AlexBerenson 1/ Depends on the technology used. A dead-virus vaccine would seem the closest to natural immunity in terms of producing a heterogenous response, although even that would not be as good because you wouldn't get the localized protection against emerging mutants. @TimTravis2 @AlexBerenson 2/ Not sure if any of the other candidates are dead virus vaccines. Supposedly, the narrowly-focused vaccines have the advantage of avoiding some of the worst triggers of the Vaccine Induced Enhancement which plagued the development of SARS vaccine, where prior vaccination turns Image
Dec 5, 2020 19 tweets 8 min read
@EnjoyTheDecline 1/ My concern would be that the approval process has been rushed in order to field the vaccine in time to be relevant -- and then, likely only slightly relevant in the big picture -- for a disease that mostly represents a way of slightly accelerating death from old age, and for @EnjoyTheDecline 2/ which hundreds of millions will have to be vaccinated. I would personally take a wait-and-see approach -- let's see what the real-world incidence of side effects is after this has been given to a few million human guinea pigs, and how serious an issue C19 remains after it
Oct 14, 2020 51 tweets 188 min read
@JHouse678 @TheSeeker268 @gdemaneuf @HL3133 @NoWackyScience @Ayjchan @serdardirican @_hoeman @babarlelephant @shingheizhan @notoriousFIL @MonaRahalkar @ydeigin @flavinkins @Rossana38510044 @emmecola @nytimes 1/ Interesting story about Steven Hatfill's lawyer in the suit against John Ashcroft/DOJ, a fellow by the name of Thomas G. Connolly (a recipient of the CIA's Intelligence Medallion, its highest civilian honor, no less)...… @JHouse678 @TheSeeker268 @gdemaneuf @HL3133 @NoWackyScience @Ayjchan @serdardirican @_hoeman @babarlelephant @shingheizhan @notoriousFIL @MonaRahalkar @ydeigin @flavinkins @Rossana38510044 @emmecola @nytimes 2/ During the years of Steven Hatfill's pro bono person of interest-hood, I was in frequent discussions with Dr. Stuart Jacobsen, a Texas-based materials scientist who shared my interest in the case. We both had broadly similarly views on the anthrax matter.
Aug 27, 2020 14 tweets 11 min read
@VanGennepD @ADreyzen @FatEmperor 1/ Herd immunity in general just refers to the check on the spread of a contagion produced by rising immunity depleting available susceptible individuals. @VanGennepD @ADreyzen @FatEmperor 2/ The herd immunity threshold is mathematically the percentage of the population which must be immune for an epidemic to go from the growth phase to recession.
Jul 20, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
@DocMcQuinn First, 20% by antibodies means 60%-100% actual infected & recovered, based on recent studies that looked at what fraction of recovered have detectable T-cell & mucosal Ab but not serum Ab responses -- a finding that's also consistent with several other observations and studies. @DocMcQuinn NYC showed 20%-25% IgG+ in two randomized surveys conducted by the NYS Dept of Health as far back as late April, so presumably the great majority of NYC residents have been infected by now -- not surprising, given their high death toll & the total collapse of their death curve.
May 30, 2020 7 tweets 39 min read
@BahulikarRahul @Daoyu15 @AntGDuarte @babarlelephant @TheSeeker268 @BillyBostickson @PaulGodolphin @BioObject @JJ2000426 @Nomdeplumi1 @_coltseavers @scottburke777 @still_a_nerd @jjcouey @Harvard2H @ydeigin @franciscodeasis @uacjess @CarltheChippy @DefeatTheElites @ico_dna @Real_Adam_B @nerdhaspower @RolandBakerIII @DrAntoniSerraT1 @babarelephant 1/ Interesting question. Others would start asking about 4991 -- another group virtually simultaneously pegged it was likely candidate for nearest relative to SARS-2 based on short RdRp fragment previously uploaded. They'd say, what about the other 29.5kb? They'd wonder if 4991 @BahulikarRahul @Daoyu15 @AntGDuarte @babarlelephant @TheSeeker268 @BillyBostickson @PaulGodolphin @BioObject @JJ2000426 @Nomdeplumi1 @_coltseavers @scottburke777 @still_a_nerd @jjcouey @Harvard2H @ydeigin @franciscodeasis @uacjess @CarltheChippy @DefeatTheElites @ico_dna @Real_Adam_B @nerdhaspower @RolandBakerIII @DrAntoniSerraT1 @babarelephant 2/ was in fact SARS-2, give or take a few mutations. They'd then read the 4991 paper very closely and (even w/out SZ's out-of-school comments in the Sci Am profile) follow the same breadcrumbs we followed leading them to the mine deaths.
May 11, 2020 23 tweets 241 min read
@BillyBostickson @_coltseavers @RolandBakerIII @DrAntoniSerraT1 @Jballard11Josh @Nomdeplumi1 @Real_Adam_B @Ayjchan @TheSeeker268 @UVI93662958 @FoolsMultiply @jdm0004 @PeterDaszak @CarltheChippy @ifty_mo @VirgileRICHARD3 @LadonPrumt @jjcouey @EcoHealthNYC @NLPC @R_H_Ebright @RosarioP70 @Harvard2H @blindside1973 @cielciel99999 @britewerks @AmygdaloidSpew @subsite13 @JJ2000426 @UN @EU_Commission @realDonaldTrump @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP @jacindaardern @AbeShinzo @Defensagob @WHO @WFP @DefraGovUK @EFSA_EU @FAO @IFPRI @IAFPFood @IFPRIResearch @UNICEF @OxfamIntermon @MSF @alimhaider I will give it a go here to start the ball rolling... @BillyBostickson @_coltseavers @RolandBakerIII @DrAntoniSerraT1 @Jballard11Josh @Nomdeplumi1 @Real_Adam_B @Ayjchan @TheSeeker268 @UVI93662958 @FoolsMultiply @jdm0004 @PeterDaszak @CarltheChippy @ifty_mo @VirgileRICHARD3 @LadonPrumt @jjcouey @EcoHealthNYC @NLPC @R_H_Ebright @RosarioP70 @Harvard2H @blindside1973 @cielciel99999 @britewerks @AmygdaloidSpew @subsite13 @JJ2000426 @UN @EU_Commission @realDonaldTrump @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP @jacindaardern @AbeShinzo @Defensagob @WHO @WFP @DefraGovUK @EFSA_EU @FAO @IFPRI @IAFPFood @IFPRIResearch @UNICEF @OxfamIntermon @MSF @alimhaider 1/ THESIS: For unknown reasons, Shi Zhengli (famous "Bat Woman" of the Wuhan Institute of Virology) has obfuscated the connection between SARS-2’s nearest known relative, RaBtCoV/4991 aka RaTG13, and her own research and has elided that she discovered this virus in 2013 while
May 10, 2020 4 tweets 42 min read
@DrAntoniSerraT1 @_coltseavers @Jballard11Josh @Nomdeplumi1 @RolandBakerIII @Real_Adam_B @Ayjchan @TheSeeker268 @UVI93662958 @FoolsMultiply @jdm0004 @PeterDaszak @CarltheChippy @ifty_mo @VirgileRICHARD3 @LadonPrumt @jjcouey @EcoHealthNYC @NLPC @BillyBostickson @R_H_Ebright @RosarioP70 @Harvard2H @blindside1973 @cielciel99999 @britewerks @AmygdaloidSpew @subsite13 @JJ2000426 @UN @EU_Commission @realDonaldTrump @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP @jacindaardern @AbeShinzo @Defensagob @WHO @WFP @DefraGovUK @EFSA_EU @FAO @IFPRI @IAFPFood @IFPRIResearch @UNICEF @OxfamIntermon @MSF @RandPaul 1/ Yeah, just noticed that. It looks like the mineshaft study that yielded 4991 was motivated by actual deaths from pneumonia-like illness, rather than by the mere presence of antibodies in the neighbouring population. Later, they attributed the deaths to fungus. Of the viruses @DrAntoniSerraT1 @_coltseavers @Jballard11Josh @Nomdeplumi1 @RolandBakerIII @Real_Adam_B @Ayjchan @TheSeeker268 @UVI93662958 @FoolsMultiply @jdm0004 @PeterDaszak @CarltheChippy @ifty_mo @VirgileRICHARD3 @LadonPrumt @jjcouey @EcoHealthNYC @NLPC @BillyBostickson @R_H_Ebright @RosarioP70 @Harvard2H @blindside1973 @cielciel99999 @britewerks @AmygdaloidSpew @subsite13 @JJ2000426 @UN @EU_Commission @realDonaldTrump @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP @jacindaardern @AbeShinzo @Defensagob @WHO @WFP @DefraGovUK @EFSA_EU @FAO @IFPRI @IAFPFood @IFPRIResearch @UNICEF @OxfamIntermon @MSF @RandPaul 2/ they recovered there, only one was SARS-like. Reading some their other papers, they also found a number of other SARS-like CoVs in other bat caves in Yunnan which, once sequenced, actually more closely resembled SARS 1 -- while it would ultimately emerge that
May 10, 2020 5 tweets 51 min read