⑆Puke Grime⑈ 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Financial economist (corporate finance ⚭ labor) ✨ Asst. Professor at @Babson ✨ Research/teaching/childcare ✨ ex @Harvard→@BainAlerts →@Stanford→@ASU ✨ he/him/かれ
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Excited to share a new WP with Ran Abramitzky, @JacobCConway, and Roy Mill about differences in economic outcomes by perceived skin tone among African Americans using census data from 1870–1940

[Short slideshow👇 and short thread below that]

@nberpubs WP nber.org/papers/w31016 We rely on data from historical census enumerators’ perception of children’s “evident” or “perceptible” race (which may of course have differed from individuals’ self-conception), and consider differences in access to resources/opportunities as well as economic outcome gaps. 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Jan 4, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
Hosting the online #aea5k awards yesterday was really fun, and I guess I’m ready to admit that *maybe* live video production has somehow evolved from “thing I’m committed to being good at for professional purposes” to “OK fine, this is also a hobby.”

Here’s how I did it. 1/ As I wrote last year in a similar thread: “Stuff went wrong, and if you want this done right you should get a pro. But I’m trying to learn and it’s fun to be part of a community effort.”

Key tech was @Blackmagic_News ATEM Mini, @Raspberry_Pi, @Zoom, @Restreamio, & @heretorecord
Nov 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Excited for @BabsonFinance seminar on a cool new paper by Hadlock, Jing Huang (E&Y), Paul Obermann (U Alabama) and Joshua Pierce (U Alabama)

New data on S&P1500 division mngrs matched to segment performance. Connect managers to their CEOs (schools, prior employers, social orgs) Managers who are connected with the CEO:
• MUCH less likely to depart/more likely to get promoted
• No performance–dismissal sensitivity (it’s there for the unconnected)
• ≈ Same for hired vs. inherited connections!

Good for the shareholders? Hard to say but…
Nov 5, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
A Twitter story

Act I. I see this tweet👇 and DM old friend @ben_golub saying “yeah, that’s definitely not right, the seller would just invert Zillow’s signal, etc,, but I don’t want feel like a late night fight with a big account.” Ben’s like “I do.” Act II. I go to sleep. Ben tweets.
Mar 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
As usual, a great volatility explainer thread from Benn👇. It’s true that the market and VIX *usually* have a negative relationship. (The market tends to fall faster than it rises, there may be more hedging demand during downturns, …) But… 1/4 … markets *can* rise quickly, and volatility—both realized and implied—can be high during rallies. As it is now!

The relationship between VIX and the market is NOT always linear. Not even close. However, if you started paying attention recently… 2/4
Mar 15, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
There are SO many great people on here I want to actually meet. So I’ll be streaming (on my Twitter) 5-minute video chats at 3pm EDT this week with some of my favorites.

Friday is #econtwitterlive online happy hour for anyone who wants to stop by. Login details TBA. Image .@SHamiltonian is an Australian public economist who knows what we need: Congress sending a ton of sugo all'amatriciana to every vulnerable American business.

We’re DM and instagram buddies but we’ve never spoken. That changes Monday at 3pm. Tune in! Image
Mar 8, 2020 31 tweets 14 min read
OK folks. Here’s my thread on technology for teaching online.🦠 I’m not an expert, but I’ve got some thoughts.

My goal is to cover a few things you might consider if you’re trying to quickly get an existing course online. And my focus is on technology, not pedagogy. 1/ Plan:
① Streaming/recording software
② Basic hardware
③ Presentation software
④ Advanced hardware
⑤ Tips and tricks

I’m not going to cover discussion forums, homework, etc. Your students probably already use an LMS (Blackboard or Canvas) and I’d stick with that for now. 2/
Mar 7, 2020 20 tweets 8 min read
Suppose you had a side hustle catching snails on the weekend and delivering them to a restaurant catering to French tourists. You’d love to get some sense each Saturday of how many tourists are likely to arrive over the next week so you know how much time to spend snailing. 🐌 1/ You’re in luck: It turns out that there’s an arcane organization (the Coalition of Bakery Oven Examiners, or CBOE) who publish just such a forecast, called the FIX (i.e., the “French visitors IndeX”). Their forecast isn’t perfect, but it’s on their website so 🤷‍♂️. 2/
Dec 7, 2019 46 tweets 26 min read
Heading in to our first session at the 2020 Financial Reaearch Association conference; live-tweet starts now. (If you’re not interested, please 48-hour mute hashtag #FRA20 ). Program with paper links is here: fraconference.com/current-progra… …and if you’re eager to get going early, here’s my #FRA2019 thread from last year: #FRA20
Apr 26, 2019 47 tweets 29 min read
Very excited for this Kentucky Finance Conference. It’s one of my favorite “boutique” conferences; always a great set of papers and awesome discussants. I met @arpitrage here for the first time last year.

Thread warning; mute if boring.
uky.edu/financeconfere… #KentuckyFin2019 First up, “Endogenous Price War Risks” by Winston Dou (with Yan Ji and Wei Wu). Price wars are moves to a new, collusive low-price Nash Equilibrium #KentuckyFin2019
Feb 23, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1/N: Ten great papers (from 400+ submitted!) at the ASU Finance Conf., but I want to highlight two that show the breadth of financial economics:
- The Impact of the Opioid Crisis on Firm Value and Investment
- Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy
blogs.wpcarey.asu.edu/financeconfere… 2/ Elena Simintzi presents “The Impact of the Opioid Crisis on Firm Value and Investment” (with Ouimet and Ye).

Uses geographic variation in opioid use/legislation to understand their effect on firms.
Feb 21, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨Accepted today!🚨
“Independent executive directors: How distraction affects their advisory and monitoring roles” (with Hong Zhao, my former student now at NEOMA) at the Journal of Corporate Finance

1/6 Short thread, aimed not just at corp fin folks👇🏻
lukestein.com/research/stein… 2/6 If you rely on an agent to help monitor your interests (and maybe advise you, too), you probably want an expert. But the best experts usually have competing commitments.

(You probably don’t want your “worst” colleagues on the University Senate, but do you want your “best”?)
Oct 26, 2018 14 tweets 9 min read
A thread on Sichuan Chili Crisp, motivated by this great post👇🏻 by @jennygao. Good stuff for anyone interested in food, management, manufacturing, entrepreurship, culture, and the economics thereof.

1/n SCC “owes its addictive nature to a winning combination of málà sauce and crunch.… made by simmering chilies, Sichuan peppercorns, and spices in oil.… Packed with roasted soy nuts, fried onion, and fried garlic, it truly has everything you’ll ever need”