and editorial:…
Randomized trial 15,792 individuals (13,195 males for 1ry analysis).
Lower risk cohort vs. NLST
-Younger lower age limit 50 vs. 55 in NLST (median 58 years vs. 61.4)
-lower pack-years 15-19 py (38py vs. 48 py in NLST)
But shorter quit interval <10 years (vs. 15 in NLST)
Nov 16, 2019 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
People often tell me we should not fund #lungcancerscreening because its just for #smokers and they do this to themselves... No surprise for anyone associated with #lungcancer who know all too well bias and #stigma faced by those who suffer from it. This is what I tell them...
While smoking remains an individual action, the majority of smokers are hooked at a young age, often before age 18 (in Alberta, the avg age is 16). As one of the most addictive substances around, the argument that smoking is a simple informed choice made by adults is not valid.
Main findings as follows:
Overall increase in number of lung cancers between CXR (red) arm and LDCT (black) goes away, suggesting catch-up occurring in CXR arm. Still see an excess of "BAC" type cancers.