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Jul 7, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
For years, labor in education was mis-priced.

Why? There was no free market.

With everyone stuck at home, we will push education from socialism to capitalism.

Teachers will be recruited to the "it" ed platforms. But, the real winners will be free agents, productize themselves. As education moves beyond geographic restraints in an online world, the marketplace for great teachers is about to heat up.

Teachers will finally get paid what they are worth.
Mar 24, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
The "digital dollar" proposal is not about digitization. Dollars are already digital. Banks have digital $ fed accts. Consumers have digital $ bank accts.

Read: Digital dollar is about accounts, not dollars. Every consumer will get direct access to a Fed Account.

🚨 WARNING 👇 The proposal to create consumer digital dollar fed accounts is about removing banks as intermediary dollar dispensaries.

Meaning the Fed can QE directly into consumer accts rather than needing to coordinate through multiple banks and banking cores.
Dec 5, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
Top 10 cryptocurrency innovations/events of the decade?

2010 Satoshi leaves Bitcoin
'11 BitcoinTalk, SilkRoad
'12 LocalBitcoins
'13 BIP39 mnemonics
'14 Gox-not your🔑, not your coins
'15 Ethereum
'16 The DAO, ETC🍴
'17 📈, ERC20/ICOs, SegWit
'18 FOMO3D 🤯
2019 MakerDAO, DeFi 🚀 12.5.2010 (7d b4 he left) Satoshi re: Wikipedia BTC donations

“The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way. I make this appeal to Wikileaks not to try to use BTC. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy."

We've come a long way.
Sep 6, 2019 26 tweets 8 min read
:1: Hashflow Network (launching soon)
an ETH:BTC layer 2 scaling solution for exchanges, wallets, and users

🏁Speed and scalability of centralized exchanges 🏁
🔐Non-custodial risk of dexes 🔐
💰Cash-flow profits for its workers 💰

a thread 👇 :2: Decentralized exchanges (dexes) remove custody risk for users but are slow and can be gamed.

Centralized exchanges are fast but hackable and present systematic risk to the market.

Hashflow is a L2 solution for ETH:BTC that solves these problems.
Mar 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Ethereum EIP seeks 20% developers’ reward akin to Zcash.

In the age of “fair launches” that forgot to pay developers + Moloch attempts to entice donations, it’s clear that people finally get that paying miners is not enough for long term sustainability of open-sourced projects. Incentive protocols must pay each type of worker to ensure long-term sustainability.
Dec 6, 2018 30 tweets 5 min read
Performing trust-minimized work for a protocol (aka "generalized mining") is a different narrative than most realize.

This is not portfolio theory.

This is a narrative on the evolution of the internet
...and how you invest in it.

Let me explain 👇 Internet made information cheap and free.
Nov 1, 2018 32 tweets 7 min read
Pro Tip: When signing a letter on co. letterhead but don't want to be associated w/ the statements, stand by the statements, or be liable to a 3rd party:

1-Do not print your name;
2-Do not legibly sign your name;
3-Write for ambiguity; and
4-Address to 1 person or no one. :2: As we can see in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, the Tether Bank letter is
(a) signed by an unknown individual;
(b) intentionally ambiguous in the second paragraph; and
(c) addressed to Tether only.
Jun 14, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
:1: Security Tokens : Most ideas to tokenize _____ (securities) already played out 2015-2016 in the race to create crowdfunding platforms inspired by Kickstarter.

None thought they needed a token or a blockchain given they were securitizing off-line assets and cash-flows. :2: Crowdfunding Without a Blockchain + Token Examples
Startup equity - seedinvest.com
Resale of private equity - equidateinc.com
Real estate investments - realtyshares.com
Lending - lendingclub.com
Solar projects - sunfunder.com
Apr 5, 2018 24 tweets 5 min read
:1: Yes! Great crypto-lawyer minds think a like. I was just about to tweet this.

If a security token later decentralizes, it is no longer a security because there is no common enterprise issuer. :2: Yesterday, I tweeted that $XRP was a security + Ripple Co was the issuer due to centralization.

It was kind of popular.

Apr 4, 2018 31 tweets 8 min read
Whoa. If Ripple Co. really thinks paying to get XRP listed is not centralization of a cryptocurrency and/or a "common enterprise" a security, I think very soon they will be proven wrong.

Time to finish that medium post I keep ignoring. :2: Fuck it. I'm tweeting it.

Here is the headline + introduction.