Jim Grace Profile picture
I want a government that protects the 67M citizens who are not billionaires from the 177 citizens who are.
25 subscribers
Aug 7, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read

In 2016, the brexit referendum was a petri dish for the US General Election. The same people - Cambridge Analytica, Thiel, Bannon , the Mercers & Putin - ran the same plays and won both times.

What if the UK riots are a dry run for the US election?

1/newyorker.com/news/news-desk… The UK riots show that if enough fuel has been poured, a small spark can start a big fire.

In the UK politicians like Farage, Cameron, May, Braverman and Patel and newspapers like the Telegraph, Mail, Express and Sun, for years splashed the petrol of anti-immigrant hatred.

Jan 17, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Brexit has a new trilemma, even worse than "Leave the SM & CU AND No NI/IE border AND no NI/GB border".

Now it is "Growth AND low immigration AND stay out of the SM &CU"

If Brexit just makes us poorer, parliament after parliament, decade after decade, it cannot stand.

It may take some time; the English have an unmatched ability to keep going long after everyone - including themselves - can see it's not working. (Watching a retired bank manager taking on a space smaller than his car can be hours of fun - or piano vs. staircase half-landing.)
Dec 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I have seen various estimates of how much extra peak demand would be added to the UK grid if all 23 M gas-fired Domestic Boilers were swapped for ASHP's overnight.

The average UK dwelling is 90m2 and typically has radiators sized on rule of thumb at 100W/m2...

So... in theory, if all the Heat Pumps were working at 82 deg flow/ 71 deg C Return, and all the radiators in the UK were simultaneously putting out 9 KW per dwelling, that comes to 207GW of heat. Which on a very cold day would require 100GW of Electricity. (Shock horror!)

Nov 30, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A couple of days back I tweeted how the Government now permits employers to pay migrant workers in shortage occupations 20% less than the going rate.
(Which Article 45 of TFEU would have prevented, before Brexit)

Let's see if, the BBC covered it?

1/ Yes: they covered it back on 17th July.

How did they cover it?
Badly. Anyone reading it would think it just applies to builders, carpenters and fishing industry - people not like "us" (managers, engineers, scientists, actuaries, vets etc)

Nov 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Either the Tories have not thought through the implications of the post-brexit immigration rules... or they have thought them through all too well.

I have a nasty inkling of what they might be up to, but it takes a bit of explaining.

Let's start with "before brexit"...

1/ Image Article 45 TFEU is a fundamental right of workers which entails the abolition of any discrimination based on nationality as regards remuneration. Plain-speak: an employer could not underpay an immigrant from Italy, say, just on the basis that they were not from the UK.

Nov 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Here we have Electricity and Gas prices in Euro per 100kWh, in February 2023, throughout Europe.

Where it gets REALLY interesting is when you compare the ***ratio*** of Electricity price to Gas price: See next tweet.

The UK has by far the highest ratio of Electricity price to Gas price.

This is a result of Tory Government policies:
1. Gas for electricity incurs a Carbon Tax, whereas gas for boilers does not.
2. The price of ALL electricity is set by the price of Gas-fired electricity.

2/ Image
Nov 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
More lies about heat pumps from Net Zero Watch: "Heat Pumps are too loud to be installed in millions of homes".

Not true.

The Telegraph has taken a fairly decent report

and totally misrepresented its findings.

1/ apexacoustics.co.uk/wp-content/upl…
This graph from the report is for a heat pump on the rear wall of a house, and shows how noisy it may be before it exceeds official (MCS) guidelines.

The vertical axis is the Heat Pump noise rating and the horizontal is distance to the neighbours nearest window.

2/ Image
Sep 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There is something fishy about Rishi...

His whole CV, from personal invlovement in triggering the 2008 crash, to Brexit support, to ballooning government fraud on his watch, then shutting down the investigation, says this man puts personal enrichment above the public good.

Hardly a month goes by without an "inadvertant" conflict of interest being uncovered.

Now he wants to protect big oil's income streams even though the OBR says failing to implement zero will be more than double the cost of implementing it.

Jul 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some thoughts:

Q1. Should a bank be able to close a customer's account because it is not profitable?

A. I guess so; they are not a utility company, or post office.

Q2. How about "because the customer is black, or gay"?

A. Of course not.

Q3. The customer is a brexiter?

A. I guess not.

Q4. The customer is a public figure?

A. No.

Q5. Customer is a public figure whose views would be damaging to the bank's reputation by association.

A. Yes. Same as Q1.

Q6. What if Q3 = Q5?

A. Q5 trumps Q3

Jun 5, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This is is an absolute shocker of an article and gets just about everything wrong: Mr Bean does Engineering.

Let's have a look at some of the nonsense, shall we?

1/ 1. Mr Bean highlights the higher embodied CO2 of EV's vs ICE cars. But what about CO2 emissions in use?

This IEA study found that an EV has 8t of CO2 emissions in manufacture and 11t driving. The ICE figures were 6t and 35t respectively.

Mr Bean quotes no figures...

2/ ImageImage
Mar 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Hey @campbellclaret are you any good at join-the-dots?

Dot 1.
GB News is owned by All Perspectives Ltd, which is controlled by three significant shareholders, all of whom work for Christopher Chandler's Dubai-based investment firm Legatum.

1/ Dot 2.
Chandler was named in Parliament by Tory MP and Foreign affairs committee member, Bob Seely, as "working for Russia".

Mr Seely cited security files that he said were authenticated by French, UK and US sources.

Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
After the Windsor Agreement, latest polling from NI:


1/ The DUP received 184K votes in the last Stormont elections.

13.8% of 184K is 25K, or roughly 1.3% of the population of NI.

This raises an important issue:
Power sharing was intended to prevent 55% of NI hoarding 100% of the power and denying democracy to the other 45%.

Mar 16, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
The issue of BBC capture by Government is serious.

BBC capture by one of the parties is even more serious.

But the worst scenario is what I think has actually happened: BBC capture by an extremist right wing fringe group that was no more than a weird sect within one party.

The ERG / Brexitters / Swivel-eyed-loons, were never more than 30 or 40 strong, but they managed to get Farage his own dressing room on BBCQT and managed to get barely-pubescent IEA know-nothings booked onto our screens and airwaves 24/7 and treated like oracles.

Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Some polls..

Say someone comes from a totally safe country - New Zealand, say - and requests asylum; should we grant it? Now say they have come straight to the UK from somewhere as dangerous as FCK - fleeing from certain death or torture.

Ah... bollix.. only allowed one poll at a time I guess...

OK: RT for YES and like for NO
Mar 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Been thinking.

Absolutely loved @GaryLineker 's tweet.


But the Tories WANT the conversation to be about "illegal immigrants". NOT inflation, cost of living, sewage, empty shelves, NHS, care system, or Tory incompetence, corruption, contempt, lawbreaking and lies.

1/8 The Tories LOVED having Lineker and the ilegal immigration bill all over the headlines instead of the privileges committee and Boris and partygate - or another Tory MP, Brine, busted this week for Patterson-style paid lobbying (AKA corruption).

So what is the answer?

Mar 7, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Ever seen a 3 year old get so beside themselves, so upset, they can't even articulate what happened?

Maybe a wasp sting, or nettle, or bruvver put Teddy on the roof, but there is too much grief and rage and snot for any sense to emerge.

This is where Dan is at.

1/ He has obviously got himself into a right old state; roaring and shouting and lashing out all around him - like a bear with a sore cock.

What is it Dan-dan?
Who, pet?
What did they do? - tell me, my love?

Mar 2, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read


69 % of UK businesses moved R&D activity abroad last year, figures from Ayming’s UK Innovation Barometer show.
70 % plan to shift more of their R&D overseas in 2023. 2. IMMIGRATION

The net EU immigration figure has dropped from 150,000 a year pre-Brexit to -51,000 in 2022. (Yes: minus)

Meanwhile, grants of visas to non-EU immigrants rose to 1.1 Million (3 times the pre-Brexit figure).

Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The problem with the ERG is they are all thick; omnistupid, un-self-aware clowns, denser than neutronium, smugger than lords.

Naturally this affected both their judgement and their execution. They were irritating but not dangerous. Like piles.

Then Steve Baker happened.

1/ Steve is actually bright, and driven, and capable of formulating a plan and seeing it through.

The reason Steve shared the ERG views was not because he shared their stupidity - far from it! - but because he is mad... and the voice of Jesus speaks to him through a teapot.

Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Had a little thought:

Even if Labour flip back to supporting rejoin, it won't make a blind bit of difference; the EU will be very wary of readmitting us only for the next Tory Gov to withdraw again.

Rejoin needs a Tory volte-face.

Q. What can Labour do to make this outrageous U-turn more likely?

A. Create vast pool of seriously pissed-off remainers to act as irresistable bait to the Tory election strategists. Say shit like "there is no case for joining the SM, ever". Nail its colours to brexit's mast

Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Prediction: the Tory party will abandon its support for Brexit before Labour does.

Explanation: There is no electoral case for Labour to turn against brexit; they have the pro-EU votes in their pocket anyway, and if they pick up a few brexiter votes that is a bonus.

The fact that the pro-EU support outnumbers anti-EU by 3:2 means Labour, with the former votes "in the bank" is perfectly happy with the status quo.

But at some point the Tories must decide whether they ever want to be in Government again...

Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I have some questions for people who voted leave in 2016.

Did you know you were voting for immigration visa grants to increase from 450K a year to 1.1M a year?

1/ Did you know that leaving the EU would mean we could no longer return asylum seekers to the EU country they set off from?

And this alone has caused the small boat numbers to surge from <500 a year before Brexit to >45,000 last year.

