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I have found my voice and a keyboard... Tweets are my own.
Jul 19 13 tweets 3 min read
@mishacollins I’ve invested time/resources in #Ukraine over years. I care. My mind sees dominoes falling across Europe IF Vance/Putin win. I prioritize Vance b/c Trump is in major decline—he will be Putin’s bobble head doll to the untempered zealot, Vance. Yet, @JoeBiden IS still the guy. @mishacollins @JoeBiden I think it unwise to be motivated by fear. Biden’s slow; he stutters; but,his mind?
Sharp. I’ve seen 3 1/2yrs of his product. He is, inarguably, one of THE great presidents. To replace him now creates a Const’l crisis and disenfranchises millions who cast primary votes for Biden.
Jul 12 16 tweets 3 min read
So, naysayers—how you like him, now? (To music…) #ScrantonJoe knows so much!

A legitimate ‘?’—on US limits on munitions it supplies Ukraine finally came. Rptr followed w/another ‘how do you know you will be well every day for the next 4yrs’ question. How do u know
u will, pal? Come on, folks! Picture #DontheCon
even grasping these questions, much
less answering them. R U kidding me?
Biden is he whose fitness you question?
I should be so unfit. He talked every region, hotspot, economic issue from ally to adversary in the world.

Biden is in command.
Jul 3 11 tweets 2 min read
1)The political ignorance here is profound. Biden is NOT committing genocide. Genocide is the cornerstone of HAMAS. Their mistake was thinking torturing unto death young concert goers, a genocidal tease, was a good idea. Is Israel conducting a sensitive war on HAMAS in GAZA? No. 2)Do I find Israel’s response to the horrors of that Oct day when HAMAS birthed its ultimate death effectual, much less reasonable or wise? No. It has put gravel in the mouths of world leaders, even those nations, like the US and Britain, who routinely line up with Israel.
Jun 6 4 tweets 1 min read
@SpeakerJohnson just appointed ScottPerry, of conspiring in the #Jan6 attempted coup infamy. His phone was seized and he continues to be under investigation for his ACTIVE role in coup. 11 days before the coup, he was on tape urgently arranging #Jan6 plan details to overthrow. 1) 2) @SpeakerJohnson RonnieJackson calls himself Admiral, though demoted to Capt for sexual&admin misconduct. Trump’s doc and made-up chief med ‘advisor’ was known for passing out #ambien, a controlled scheduleIV hypnotic, freely. Remember Trump’s penchant for, uh, antihistamine…?
Jun 5 7 tweets 1 min read
I’d already begun checking who
reported/authored @WSJ politics or ‘news’ pieces I was reading. For the
paper to attack #PresBiden’s acuity in contradiction of public evidence, world leaders and honest politicos is untenable. Your reporting has holes—are you, uh, older…? WSJ reported McCarthy’s opinions
w/o referencing his admitted partisan
lying. The public statements of
foreign/biz leaders and others interviewed conflict w/the singularly shallow, unqualified report. Its conclusions included NO context on scheduling, security limits or style.
May 30 17 tweets 3 min read
Verdicts on counts coming one by one—ALL COUNTS! Convicted on 34 Felony Counts! DJT skirted repercussions for his dodgy life; but a jury of his peers saw the evidence. The reality of his crimes in THIS case are proved. #DemocracyWins
@ChrisAlbertoLaw @csd #DemocracyWon in spite of the machinations of the Republicans and their #SpeakerJohnson. Once an officer of the court, he does not hesitate to bifurcate our Federalism to weaken our Cons’t. He split us first as an architect of #Jan6; again today he falsely accused just jurors.
Mar 20 10 tweets 2 min read
1)Bigotry drives attacks on #borderlaw
by Abbott-types, not fear. US crime stats prove it. Do migrants with or w/o legal status committ crime? Yes. Yet, though violent crime rates are way down overall, among immigrants they are negligible—FAR below that in citizens.
@edwards21228 2)The US faces an inflection point in #labor. Our workforce is disappearing. In many regions, skilled workers, plumbers and electricians, are so backed up plumbing emergencies cannot be addressed for 2wks or more. Americans are generally less willing to work in service/labor.
Feb 20 6 tweets 2 min read
1-Even media largely trying to report honestly have become an arm of Trump’s campaign, allowing him free tv time via criminal indictment. He has NOT stopped campaigning. Every time he enters a courtroom, networks and cable news give Trump unpaid campaign time, replaying clips… 2-…or covering his manipulated pre or post post court tirades. DJT again is profiting from all this unpaid press coverage. Last week, our president gave a stirring speech on Putin’s murder of #AlexiaNalvalny, hosted critical ME ally, the King of Jordan, and gave speeches...
Feb 13 9 tweets 2 min read
1)Russia now has 50,000 Nepalese fighting #Ukraine as Trump encourages Putin to “do whatever the hell he wants.”
2)The #GOPfrontrunner hates Ukraine #PresZelensky who rebuffed Trump’s blackmail, shaming him to Putin—the tyrant he dances for most.

@mister_myron @dccra @katog617 3)Trump lied, no surprise, yet, it must be noted he did NOT inspire NATO to raise defense spending.
4) In 2006, Members agreed to reach
2% GDP defense spending by 2024. In 2014, Putin took Crimea, increasing NATO urgency on defense $$.

@minimeadow @MadMaxLives
Nov 9, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
1)Reading coverage of #GOPdebate 3, I wondered, Had we seen the same debate? Punditry called it a race for 2nd btwn 2 China courtiers, one touting ‘weaponized’ 5” heals to answer #ViciousVik foolishness
w/her own: namecalling him #scum
to defend a married daughter’s TikTok
use. 2)The woman’s main experience is
a stint as governor of a small state. Her time as Trump’s UN appointee, was not notable,arguably ineffectual. We forgot her. Now, #Haley who could/would not stand up to Trump’s fast&loose play w/Const’l limits is running for president?

Oct 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
8As Mike Johnson celebrates the House clerks for their part in “keeping”our democracy, remember that keeping our democracy is something he has been, thus far, actively unwilling to do. Since he still ascribes to trumpy election lies, any desire to rebuild trust starts with him. 9As Johnson continues to pontificate, he has yet to mention Ukraine, our friend fighting Putin’s unprovoked, barbarous and fascist invasion of their free nation. He touts the the nat’l doubt as if a product of Dem spending, though his icon Trump, in only 4yrs created 25% of it.
Oct 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1At the end of this day, @HouseGOP settled back into #MAGA morass,
and it’s mundane #TrumpChaos. Nothing achieved, nothing changed, just a fascist @GOP moving further to the extreme w/rightwing zealot and committed election denier Johnson, as speaker.

@chipfranklin @BillKristol 2By admission of their caucus, Repub #MikeJohnson has yet to admit that Biden won a proper 2020 election. Many affirm they voted for him b/c he’s nobody’s enemy, nor is he known in the electorate as a premiere election denier, and the #HouseGOP is exhausted from their own #chaos.
Oct 10, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
As a friend to #Israel, understand, #PresBiden stalwart response to #Hamas strengthens me. Yet, I am deeply troubled about the conflicting message trumpy GOP legislators send Ukraine, sustaining a free Europe for the West amid Putin’s evil on innocents by his rogue army & Wagner. 2) I have seen Ukraine’s commitment to free, representative Gov’t—even under despotic occupation. We must not miss the similarities in the nightmares in Ukraine and Israel. Spouses, children, the aged & infirm abused and brutishly, mockingly murdered in their family’s eyes.
Sep 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1 In America, during the days leading to and during WW11, a chilling number of American citizens were pro nazism. These sympathizers & saboteurs collaborated & conspired
with Hitler against our nation. As it was in then, so it is now in the new GOP, party of fascistic, statist… 2 authoritarianism, isolationism, postConst’lism, state-prescribed mores and religion. Then, the efforts of America’s 20th Century fascists were successfully subverted. We emerged victorious, helping restore global balance through new democracies. What of now? Even today, #GOP…
Oct 13, 2021 15 tweets 7 min read
1) An uninformed, pharisaical condemnation of an industry providing, w/regularity, life-saving, less invasive medical options at huge R&D cost: 2) The tweeter has a campaign against #Pharma, an imperfect industry, as all human endeavors are. She blames Pharma for poor nations, though it has provided millions of free doses. It escapes her that graft often frustrates the administration of those helps. We are blessed...
May 31, 2021 16 tweets 8 min read
1) The song says, "Each quiet act of dignity is the one that fortifies." America voted soundly in favor of a man of quiet dignity to preclude the seditious intent of a loud, lying,
criminal buffoon. Mr. Biden began day one, signing orders of quiet dignity.

@dccra @elhombrelibre1 2) Mr. Biden continues restoring America's global presence
and influence with, in his words, "quiet, relentless diplomacy." He isn't hampered, as was his predecessor, by being a bad
actor, leveraged by our adversaries. He works in quiet purpose--understanding America's big stick.