Maitree Muzumdar Profile picture
Working at the intersection of socio-political feminist art & advocacy, with a dash of law. @feministmanch | @Women_Rio20
Feb 2, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
(1/10) Eviction notices have been shamelessly served to about 45000 tribals in 52 villages in #Chitrakoot (UP) because they are in Ranipur Wildlife Sanctuary. They have been living here for generations. “Where will we go?”

Watch report by @alim_jafri: (2/10) #Chitrakoot district has vast tracts of forest land, a home & livelihood source for the adivasis & other forest-dwelling communities & forest workers. Most hail from economically weak backgrounds & depend on forest produce & land for sustenance.…
Jan 19, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
A thread compilation of 27 basic practical things we can do in our individual capacities to counter RW radicalization and propaganda. Request you to comment and add any other suggestions/resources you may have. 1) Deradicalization begins at home. If you quit on dialogue with your near & dear ones, they will just end up consuming more propaganda. Be consistent with dialogue. Not once a week, but everyday. Since that’s the speed at which hate factories are working.