Dante Malik Profile picture
The universe doesn't care about us. But do not worry, I do.
Oct 3, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] Critical Race Theory is race essentialism. This is one of the reasons it's so insaine that it is gaining traction in 2020.

In fact all critical theories are in fact based in essentialism.
Beyond reviving the worst aspects of racism that has ever existed people are injecting it into numerous other areas of life.

While many correctly lable these attitudes as collectivist. This barely scratches the surface of how dangerous this shift is.

And that's saying allot
Sep 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] You can not build a healthy successful relationship by constantly picking at every scab your friends have never letting their wounds heal. You can't constantly obsess about every flaw in your partner and expect your relationship to last. Anyone telling you otherwise does not have your best interests in mind.

Harping on the negative will alter your perception. Those tiny flaws in your loved ones will turn into demons living in your mind. You'll stop seeing who they are and start treating them as you imagine them
Sep 27, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] There's a quote by Carl Sagan that tends to lend itself as a chilling prophesy foreseeing the crazy world we find ourselves in today.

It's interesting how every group and side believes this quote to perfectly represent the world, as they alone hold true to science. This is evidenced by simply googling Segan quotes and looking at the various groups attempting to lay claim to his words by inserting their own branding over them. In an attempt to ally themselves with Sagan, and the ideals he dedicated his life to.

Yet most fall far short
Sep 25, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
This right here. We need to start examining laws and rules which encourage abuse and bad behavior.

There needs to be more balance between protecting the accused prior to conviction, and punishing those who knowingly abuse the systemi, and catching criminals in general While I don't hate the police, I also don't generally like things that make a cops life easier (though I do want them safe).

Thing is, if the state is going to throw me in jail, I want to know I was able to defend myself and my name fully
Sep 23, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
When I was young I wanted to be a cop. Well ok first I wanted to be a pilot so I could become an astronaut... But not turns out I wasn't smart enough for that.

But cop seemed interesting not boring, at the time didn't require college, and you help people most of all... It paid well, ok not that well but as much as a c average high school graduate could hope to achieve. It definitely seemed like an improvement over a life digging ditches for minimum wage.

So I did what many kids do looking to join the force. I went on a ride along.
Sep 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
@ConceptualJames watched that debate, so many more thoughts that Twitter can't do justice for.

One point that kept coming up, however:

(Hopefully a short thread) Cancel culture is not synonyms with boycott culture.

And the justification that it's ok because the only people "cancelled" are people they don't like doesn't make it right. It completely avoids the point, problem, and reality of how cancel culture interacts with people.
Sep 15, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A long time ago, people who loved each other could not get married. They were harassed, bullied, threatened, their families were ashamed of them. They had in many cases to hide their love.

And then the supreme court ruled gay marriage legal. Love won. A long time ago, people who loved each other could not get married. They were harassed, bullied, threatened, their families were ashamed of them. They had in many cases to hide their love.

And then by law and court battle miscegenation laws were slowly removed. Love won
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@doxyourself Yes he is very uninformed. Free speech exists so we can speak for ourselves.

And since non whites can speak for ourselves

@Brizo751 you can take your white guilt and savor complex and shove it up your racist ass.

We don't need you speaking for us. This is serious. I'm pretty pissed. A white woman so racist she could lead the KKK wrote a book to convince white people that the cure to racism is to obsess about race all the time. And now these brainwashed racist rich mostly white kids are burning down monitory neighbors!