Marci Harris Profile picture
@POPVOX/@POPVOXfdn cofounder, lawyer; fmr congress staffer @HarvardAsh @NewAmerica fellow; adjunct @usfca lecturer @sjsu
Jun 4, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Let's add a liiiittle context to today's @washingtonpost report on House Member expensing...
🧵… There's a reason we at @popvoxfdn entitled an explainer of the program "Getting Members Off the Couch" ...
because yes, in recent years it became *common* for staffers in many offices to show up for work in, basically, the Member's bedroom (yuck)…
Nov 5, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
finally got time for an initial read of the new @OMBPress guidance & first impression is that it is REALLY good.

Few things stood out for me...…
Image Steps agencies will need to take in near future to comply w/ #AIEO:
- Designate Chief AI Officer (60 days)
- Convene sr officials in the agencies' AI Governing body (60 days)
- Develop AI Compliance plans (180 days)
- Keep inventorying AI use cases (per Trump EO)
Jun 2, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
REALLY rare to evaluate effectiveness of a federal program *as it is implemented* & change approach based on outcomes... but that's what happened with the Cover Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)!
@NewAmericaPIT shares important lessons learned… Congress wanted money out the door fast, but most states didn't have the tech infrastructure to do that

ultimately, 300+ jurisdictions ended up using @Neighborly for their programs
Mar 15, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
"The greatest innovation in Congress (during the pandemic) was not its willingness to conduct hearings remotely and institute proxy voting, although notable, but rather the willingness of Congress to innovate at all." - @danielschuman & me in @monthly… Mar 4, 2020: @HouseAdm_Dems @HouseAdmnGOP set up a “Telework Readiness Center”

Apr 6, 2020: @SpeakerPelosi announced new system for digital submission of bills, co-sponsorships, and lawmakers’ statements (& Clerk's office implemented in <48 hours!)

Yes, we were impressed! Image
Dec 12, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
thinking a lot today about 2018 paper from @henryfarrell & @schneierblog on "Common-Knowledge Attacks on Democracy"… Image The paper differentiates between "common political knowledge" — things people agree on, i.e. "how gov works"


"contested political knowledge" — things that people disagree about, like gov's role, tax policy, etc.

@schneierblog summary:… ImageImage
Jul 9, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
This former staffer / #govTech nerd is QUITE impressed with the Hose Legislative Branch Approps bill...

A few highlights (thread) -->
(Non-Congress nerds may want to mute) Link to @AppropsDems @houseappropsgop #LegBranch committee report here:…
Mar 12, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
COVID-19 has arrived on Capitol Hill.… It is time for Congress to take the steps to keep the public, staff, press & members safe AND maintain the ability of Congress to continue to carry out its work on behalf of the American people…