Marika Katanuma Profile picture
@business digital news editor and reporter in Tokyo | 米メディア・ブルームバーグの東京支局で記者・デジタルニュースエディターをしています👩‍💻 @bloombergjapan
💫T.Katsumi📢 #JusticeForAll🌍🌏🌎 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 23, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
Kishida is tossing 5 trillion yen at a new agency focusing on children’s policies this spring.

As talks around children mount, here’s a quick look into the state of children in Japan and the overlooked problem of child custody. A thread: Kishida recently said its low birthrate puts the country on the brink of social dysfunction.

Japan has one of the lowest populations of children in the world, 11.7% of all population. Kishida pledged to create a society that puts them first, but that seems a long way off.
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

英国で行われた週休3日制の大規模実験で、参加した企業のほとんどが週休2日に戻らない方針であることが分かりました。売上増や離職減、バーンアウト低下などが決め手に (…) 調査を主導したジュリエット・ショア氏は「企業が週休3日制を機能させることがずっと難しくなるかと考えていたが、答えはNoのようだ」と指摘。

Sep 22, 2020 31 tweets 10 min read
Shinzo Abe wanted more women to work, and they did--the female labor force reached a milestone of 30 million; the participation rate surged to 71% topping that of the US and Europe. he leaving behind a more gender-equal Japan? I want you to assess: a thread Abe found the answer to Japan’s shrinking workforce--women who’ve been excluded or held back in the workforce. Declaring “Abenomics is Womenomics, he pushed policies to encourage women to work and have a family at the same time.…