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Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Mark it on your calendar today is the day of the real insurrection, April 4, 2023 2. When the Democrat Party, for the first time in our history, used a radical Marxist DA in a Democrat city with a Democrat grand jury and a Democrat judge manufactured a criminal case against the leading GOP candidate for the presidency.
Mar 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Remember, even when Russia was amassing military forces on Ukraine's border for an invasion, the Putinoids in our country and the pacificists continued insisting that Russia would not invade Ukraine. 2. It was a conspiracy or propaganda by the DC elite, the neo-cons, those who support never-ending wars, military contractors, etc. Absolute bullshit. Now, they've shifted to a host of different arguments:
Mar 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a major propaganda operation of the lunatic left.  My wife's name is not Julie Prince and never has been. 2. If you check out what I said at CPAC, among other things I defended Fox News from those who yelled about eliminating Fox, and I don't know everyone who attends or speaks at CPAC.
Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. FALSE fact check.
The president alone has the authority to classify and declassify at will solely because of his plenary power over the executive branch. 2. He does not have the constitutional authority to delegate this fundamental power to subordinates anymore than he has the authority to issue an executive order making the vice president commander-in-chief barring extremely rare circumstances (e.g., illness).
Jan 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. For the media, Democrats, and RINOs, shutting down the private economy 18 months ago, destroying businesses, jobs, and lives, was righteous, but shutting down the government is always Armageddon, despite it being shutdown 20 times over the last 50 years. 2. Paul Ryan told me years ago in a radio interview that only 17% of the government actually shuts down. Social security, Medicare, Vet benefits, and military are exempted. The government continues receiving uninterrupted about $350 billion a month.
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. I do see a difference between President Trump and then-VP Biden on classified documents. Trump's team was negotiating with the DOJ over the documents and Biden covered up the existence of documents for months. 2. The documents Trump had were protected in a location guarded by the secret service. Not so with Biden. One of the places where Biden kept classified documents was heavily subsidized by the Communist Chinese. Not so with Trump.
Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. "If you don't unite to fight tyranny, the people will rise up against you." 2. "If your majority deteriorates into personal attacks, into getting nowhere, into getting into the weeds about this rule or that rule or another rule, while 10,000 illegal aliens are crossing our border, while fentanyl is killing 10,000 of our young people every month,
Jan 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

Those of you who've listened carefully to my show the last several days have heard me say the speaker contest will be over soon. 2. You've heard me say that some of those among the 20 have been principled in their positions, some have been self-serving, some have simply wanted to skuttle McCarthy and through attrition find another candidate. How do you think I knew all of this?
Jan 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. My friend Chip Roy said on the House floor yesterday that we were watching some great debate.  Really?  I didn’t hear any debate. There were a few very short sporadic statements. No debate. And lots of votes with the same result. 2. And he and the others in that group kept voting for someone who has said he’s not interested in being speaker, who nominated McCarthy, and voted repeatedly for McCarthy.  Sorry, brother Chip, that’s hardly some great lesson in representative government.
Jan 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1. There are 44 members of the Freedom Caucus, 25 voted for McCarthy including Jim Jordan. Nineteen voted for Jordan in the second round, even though he nominated McCarthy and voted for McCarthy and is not seeking the speakership. 2. Jordan was nominated by Gaetz, who was Paul Ryan's biggest cheerleader early on. So, they appear to be playing a game of attrition, will only tick off more conservatives around the country.
Dec 29, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
1. If there are questions or disputes over the process or manner by which electors were chosen in a state, the electors having been sent to the Archivist to relay to Congress, Congress determines whether or not to count those electors or which electors to count. 2. Congress makes that decision. It’s not subject to grand juries, the FBI, the US attorney, trial courts or a jury of 12.  That is, the political nature of the process is not to be criminalized by applying nefarious or unlawful labels to the give and take of politics.
Dec 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. When the Washington Post “reporter” with no constitutional or historical knowledge says I falsely stated state legislatures can choose electors he’s dead wrong. It’s obviously been done in our nation’s past. The issue is whether they should.  That’s a separate question. 2. Indeed, in 2000 the Republican controlled Florida legislature was poised to do exactly that to both stop the rogue Democrat Florida Supreme Court from changing election laws to assist the litigious Al Gore campaign
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The leftist and arrogant editorial writers at the New York Times does not give a damn about Israel, anymore than it gave a damn about the Jews during the Holocaust, or it gives a damn about our country today. 2. The Netanyahu government was elected by the people of Israel and the fact is that Bibi has never been a "significant threat" to Israel during his longest-tenure as PM in the history of Israel.
Dec 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Pelosi and her January 6 committee have already changed forever the manner in which congressional committees conduct themselves and the nature of Congress in very destructive ways. 2. If the DOJ pursues charges against the former president, including whatever this committee proposed, it will forever change how elections are held and challenged forever as well.
Dec 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Pelosi’s Jan 6 committee will issue a truly bogus report next week based on the most appallingly unAmerican congressional “investigation” in American history. There will be no minority report because the majority chose the minority. 2. There were no witnesses allowed who would contradict the stated conclusion of the committee, which was made at the outset and repeated throughout its public hearings and members’ media appearances. There was no opportunity for cross-examination of witnesses.
Nov 30, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
1. How do you write a piece like this and never mention FDR?  His State Department was filled with rampant anti-Semites, not just one, who did all they could to prevent Jews from coming to the U.S. during Hitler's extermination of European Jews. 2. His administration urged the media to help censor the Holocaust, and the media mostly complied, INCLUDING the New York Times AND The Washington Post.
Nov 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1. So, Garland chooses a war crimes prosecutor from The Hague as his special counsel, and who's entire career has been spent mostly investigating violence criminals. 2. And, of course, he has spent most of his career with the career investigators and prosecutors who currently report to Garland.
Nov 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1. You guys crack me up.  But he did spend millions trashing the conservative in Alaska?  But he did pull money out of New Hampshire in the final week. He also attacked Boldic in the primary.  He didn’t spend a dime on the Arizona race. 2. And what’s this “Trump” candidates stuff. Trump endorsed candidates won in the primaries, meaning Republicans voted for them. That’s who the voters wanted to run in the general.  So you’re attacking the voters.
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1. JD Vance. Very good. But you didn’t answer my examples. Besides, my problem with McConnell goes well beyond this election. As I said two months ago, he provided the country with no agenda.  No legislative agenda should the GOP win. 2. He was asked several times.  He provided no answer. This election showed, among other things, that you need a positive agenda. He also criticized candidates weeks before the election.
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. I see the GOP establishment and their media surrogates are in full propaganda mode.  Tell me, what agenda did McConnell promote this election cycle for Republicans to run on?  There was no agenda. 2. What legislation did McConnell say a Republican Senate would pass to address the public's concerns?  He offered nothing.  There was no coordinated messaging from McConnell.
Nov 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1. I have nothing against Karl Rove. I met him once or twice in passing. But he's a predictable mouthpiece for the GOP establishment and, respectfully, is often wrong in his prognostications. 2. His attack in the WSJ on Trump as the fall guy for Tuesday's disappointing outcome is more of the same. Many of the candidates for whom Rove raised funds and worked with McConnell to promote did quite poorly.