Markus Eichhorn Profile picture
Ecologist @UCC & author of Natural Systems textbook. Shill for Big Forest. Leading expert on my own mistakes. He/him.
Jan 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Please stop looking only for win-wins when trying to decolonise academic practice. The whole point is that for once we should lose out so that those who have historically been held back can benefit. 1/5 There may collective gains from decolonisation in the long term, but the immediate burden must be borne by those who have previously been beneficiaries. It might be financially costly, involve additional effort, or require us to confront uncomfortable facts. 2/5
Jan 17, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
Keeping up with the scientific literature is a harmful myth: a thread 👇1/17 I'm a plant ecologist. My 'home' journal is probably @JEcology, published by @BritishEcolSoc. I've been a subscriber for over 20 years and my office holds the complete print run for that period (of which more below). 2/17