marnes Profile picture
Writer, artist. Don't come here if you want an echo chamber for your partisan bull. My husband thinks this is a form of insanity. #RonDeSantis2024
Mar 11, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Spent the weekend with a friend whose parents were in concentration camps. Her mother, now 93 made uniforms for the Nazi's from flax seeds in Dachau. Her father, who died 3 years ago,, escaped two camps with his older brother, the only two left from a family of eight kids. They were caught and only survived because the camps were liberated shortly afterward. Her mother's family, every last one of them perished. They met and ultimately came to America when my friend was two. They had a fruitful life. Opened a clothing store on SI, had another child
Sep 30, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
My opinion on the Kavanaugh outburst: I think the Clinton remark was a mistake. Other than that, let's take a moment to understand the man behind the anger. Not the impartial judge, the man. Because any one who thinks it was Judge Kavanaugh sitting up there, is missing something And I think it goes beyond the horrible things he was accused of doing. I think it goes beyond a last minute charge of being part of a gang rape culture. I think it goes beyond the unsubstantiated allegations of Dr. Ford. I think it wasn't just a man up there, it was a father.