The PulPol Pundit - PH Politics & Business Profile picture
Aggregating political and business news with a dash of opinion. Gen X. Political crackpot. School of Hard Knocks. Out-of-the-box thinker.
Henrik Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 27, 2022 27 tweets 4 min read
Aug 26, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Everything Comes to a Head

A thread ⬇️… Fate, they say, plays cruel tricks. In our country's relatively short history, it's easy enough to analyze where we've gone wrong and what we need to change but unfortunately, our leaders don't want to do it.
Nov 17, 2021 28 tweets 5 min read
Bongbong Marcos is a Liar

A thread ⬇️… In his column today, former Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio is at it. Again.
Nov 17, 2021 38 tweets 6 min read
Political Substitution and Charter Change

A thread ⬇️… The political drama over the Duterte family feud finally died down last Monday after the substitution deadline came to pass.
Nov 16, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
The Unhinged Heydarian

A thread ⬇️… Here he goes again...The political analyst with the ghost writer whose columns are, more often enough, filled with more quotes from the books he has read than actual thought-provoking out-of-the box ideas which would make him more credible with the public, as a public…
Nov 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I will always have fond memories of my Pilipino I Professor at DLSU. Heber didn't conduct his class in the traditional manner. It was an interaction between teacher and students. What was more important for him was we develop a consciousness about the ills of society and how we can go about mitigating the same once we step out in the real world. He was the only leftist-militant I ever liked. His final exam in the course was a paper on anything related to social consciousness. I wrote about the plight of a Waray bar girl in Ermita, which was then the red
Nov 16, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read

A thread ⬇️… Ang tama, ipaglaban. Ang mali, labanan. These are the words which have guided Panfilo Morena Lacson’s career in government, which has spanned 50 years since his graduation from the Philippine Military Academy in 1971. Image
Nov 15, 2021 54 tweets 8 min read
Halalan 2022 Monday Blues

A thread ⬇️… So, the agony has ended before the 5.00 p.m. deadline for the filing of substitution of candidacies. It's not exactly all's well that ends well but the electoral cast is more or less complete...until the next time the President feels the urge to turn the table over again.
Nov 15, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Movie Review: The Many Saints of Newark

A thread ⬇️… The much anticipated prequel movie based on hit HBO series The Sopranos disappoints big-time. There is not much meat in the story which focuses on Dickie Moltisanti, father of Christopher and the mentor and favorite uncle of the young Anthony Soprano. Image
Nov 14, 2021 21 tweets 3 min read
Aug 21, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This best sums up Ninoy Aquino. He was not the hero he was cast out to be after his assassination. A lot of us boomers were fooled then because we didn't have access to information like we do now. Some say he experienced a transformation while… incarcerated. This was the justification for his martyrdom. But if you have the ability of introspection, you will be able to place yourself in Ninoy's mindset and think about what you would do if you were in his shoes? What was his obsession with the Presidency? Why couldn't he
Aug 21, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Here goes the Chief Political Analyst again. There is nothing against the COA as an independent institution and its mandate to keep government adherence to sound accounting policies. But when it is used as a tool for politicking, that line is crossed.… Anyone who has worked in both the public and private sector understand that audits constitute part of the check-and-balance system. This is true for publicly-listed corporations where the public invest. This more important in government which is fully-funded by the public.
Aug 20, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
I have nothing against women. Hell I love women. Period. I worship at the altar of the woman that is her body and soul. That's how much I love women. The adage that you can't beat them, can't live without them is true; depending on how much bullshit you're… willing to accept. The idea that Leni Robredo and Leila De Lima are at par with the likes of Angela Merkel is a reach. An overreach in fact. A friend and I have been discussing what truly ails the Filipino. We've come to an agreement that it's basically a socio-cultural
Aug 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Chanco changes his tune on pandemic response. This is what happens when journalist-activists don't bother to read the science first and instead, react adversely to government policy just to get the public to turn against government. The 14 day ECQ for NCR… is nowhere near the first lockdown. We can't afford to shutdown the economy anymore. The Delta variant has changed global outlook on Covid. Vaccines prevent death but don't guarantee against infection. Everyone should get vaccinated. In the meantime, the government and the public
Aug 18, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
"They say the presidency is destiny. Perhaps the tribulation that the Vice President had to endure is how the universe is strengthening her for the most difficult job of her life." With this premise Masigan deems it fit to claim that Robredo is ripe for… the Presidency in 2022. I never liked Leni Robredo since her rise to prominence in 2012 after the death of Jesse. I never liked Jesse either. I was a frequent visitor to the Bicol region in the 90s because I had business there. We put up the first marine products processing plant
Aug 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
How is the Taliban going to govern? This is the $64 question. The US has cut-off its access to funds deposited with the Federal Reserve in New York. Its main export is drugs. But underneath the Afghan soil are rare-earth minerals essential to the manufacture of tech hardware. More than likely the Chinese would find ways to work with them to mine these minerals. It's still too early to predict which direction the new government will take. Terrorism has been stymied by Covid as well but nothing is impossible with determination. All the world can do is
Aug 16, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Javad conveniently omits that Biden could've waisted until the peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government produced concrete results in Doha. What Biden did was unilaterally pullout US troops without an exit strategy. Biden can blame Trump… he wants but Trump didn't order a pullout. It was Biden who did which is why it's on him. Afghanistan is a warning to all "American allies." The US has no interest except its own. This was the case in Vietnam. In the Philippines, the ugly truth was after World War II, the US
Aug 16, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Looking for someone to blame again? When will these morons realize that Covid is outsmarting science with its mutations? It's like the other moron the Chief Political Analyst who said that the government should accelerate vaccine purchases. The monies are there but the supply isn't. As for the LGUs, why can Marikina make vaccination registration be so easy? I registered two days ago and yesterday I already got a call and an sms for a schedule today. They gave a list of requirements for each classification. Bring your own ballpen. I will know today if
Aug 16, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
LGUs will have a huge windfall in additional allocations from their Internal Revenue Allotments as a result of the Mandanas ruling but the problem has always been their absorptive capacity given their lack of qualified technical personnel to undertake… projects which involve capital outlays, particularly infrastructure development. The answer is BRAVE. The Budget Reform for Village Empowerment Act is legislation sponsored by Sen. Panfilo Lacson in the Senate which seeks to allot automatic funding from the national budget
Aug 15, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Harry Roque's former law partner posts a want ad for the opposition. A coalition he says. Today is August 16. Barely a month a half left before the filing of certificates of candidacy for May 2022 election. Butuyan describes the Duterte administration as a… political black hole which thrives on intimidation and fear. He would like his readers to believe we are in a tyrannical authoritarian dictatorship. What is ironic is he doesn't seem to see the writing on the proverbial political party wall. There is an opposition coalition but
Aug 14, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
The opposition continues to use Marcos as a bogeyman for the state of the Philippine economy. They refuse to acknowledge the validity of Marcos' economic strategy from the beginning of his first term which was to focus on rebuilding infrastructure… destroyed during World War II. After the declaration of martial law, Marcos was bent on following the South Korean model of industrialization. The Japanese were willing to invest in the Philippines through its sogo shoshas, the trading houses which served as conduits for Japan's