Nellie Pease Profile picture
Palaeontologist-in-progress and artist from Brisbane, Australia 🦕 Illustrations on Instagram @ gondwanarama 🦕she/her 🦕 tá gaeilge agam!
Jan 16, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
this "move the koalas to nz" initiative makes me want to eat my whole keyboard for several reasons but i think one of the most useful arguments is: koalas are already at risk from inbreeding depression and low genetic diversity. you guys seriously want to ship more away? 1/ the size of the founder population needed to establish a viable gene pool in nz would be pretty large. doable, maybe, but koalas are already geographically fragmented and highly susceptible to disease because of it. does reducing the gene pool further sound like a good idea? 2/