Marya Alexander, MD Profile picture
UCSF ‘03, UCI Med ‘99. The Brain, Biochemistry & Cell Biology. LongCovid/LongCovidVaccinationSyndrome/PACVS. Tweets are my own & not medical advice. She/her
Aug 8 32 tweets 9 min read
Flu does not do this. Flu does not interrupt the Olympics like SARS 2 can & does. When have you ever seen so many Olympians w decreased performance & some not recovering/entirely leaving the games after an upper respiratory infection? #THISISSARS2 #CurrentCovidPandemicContinues
Jan 5 18 tweets 5 min read
“Long Covid patients risk serious injury if they carry out moderate to intense exercises like running and cycling for much more than a few minutes, a study suggests.”… “Researchers found that just 15 minutes of these exercises can cause lasting muscle damage, with symptoms such as muscle cramps, pain, fatigue – and even brain fog – lasting from anything from two days to two months, depending on the person.”
Nov 25, 2021 49 tweets 25 min read
Summary & presentation markers for what is known about the NEW, VERY CONCERNING #VARIANT B.1.1.529 per South African Ministry of Health live streamed briefing today.
Holiday travel could spread this variant exponentially across the world if countries don’t act fast.
There r 2 international airports in Gauteng, region of Africa hardest hit w/ B11529. Already found in 3 countries so far: Botswana, South Africa & Hong Kong (returning traveller).
Oct 13, 2021 19 tweets 16 min read
Singapore is surging. We will have multiple “Singapores” here in the US. Their surge is higher than any they’ve had. 83% fully vax’d @ the time of this graph.

Does this look like u can’t surge if u have a significant amount of vax in your country or state? US is 57% fully vax’d. Image What say you? But is it impacting their healthcare services? YES. “Singapore ministers told a media briefing on Friday that the jump in COVID-19 cases in the island of 5.7 million people had put ‘tremendous’ pressure on its healthcare system.”…
Jul 29, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read
Time for a thread on: What Do We Know About Outdoor Transmission of Delta? @linseymarr @Daltmann10 @LongCovidKids @Ayjchan @VirusesImmunity @dgurdasani1 @ScottGottliebMD @kprather88 @DrEricDing @IndependentSage @michaelzlin @segal_eran @ashishkjha @Bob_Wachter @PeterHotez @CDCgov 1. Delta behavior indoors & outdoors: they saw fleeting proximity transmission in the Bondi Junction outbreak. Only needed 5-10 seconds proximity or 1-3 inhalations if briefly within 2 ft of someone else.