• Sleeps 4-5 hours a night,
• Gets shot at,
• Has the most stressful job on Earth,
• Drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day…
And somehow still has more energy than 99% of people I know and lost 30 pounds.
Here’s Trump’s crazy health routine:
In October 2020, Trump tested positive for COVID-19.
Known for his fast food and Diet Coke diet, many were concerned.
Yet, he bounced back quickly, defying expectations and showing resilience despite his eating habits.
But what changed in his routine after that?
Jan 25 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
The world’s richest man built the entire healthcare system to keep you sick.
He transformed healing into a profit-driven machine—and buried natural medicine in the process.
This man is John D. Rockefeller.
And here is the dark story of how he did it: 🧵
The current medical system operates on the philosophy of "patient cured, customer lost."
Americans are among the world's unhealthiest people despite spending the most on healthcare.
Functional medicine and holistic treatments are labelled as unscientific quackery.
Jan 23 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
The most overlooked factor in health:
When you eat.
Science shows WHEN you eat is as important as WHAT you eat.
Andrew Huberman reveals what eating times are optimal for your body (and the crazy benefits):
Your body isn't designed for 24/7 eating.
For millions of years, humans had clear feeding and fasting windows.
But today we snack around the clock.
80% of the genes in your body operate on a strict 24-hour schedule.
The modern lifestyle has broken this:
Jan 22 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Elon Musk once said:
"It is not the degree but the skill that achieves success."
Here are 8 skills you must learn to become successful: 1. Learn Manipulation
People around you are self-centered.
You'll identify instances of manipulation around you and act right.
This will also be a game changer for you.
Jan 20 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Ivermectin is the future of cancer treatment.
This drug was once labeled "horse de-wormer."
Today, extensive research reveals it has 15 powerful ANTI-CANCER mechanisms of action.
Let’s look at the science behind how it works: 🧵
First off, IVM had earned Merck’s scientists a Nobel Prize in 2015 for saving millions from parasitic diseases.
WHO even listed it as an “essential medicine.”
During COVID, it was a target of ridicule.
Today, we look at it as a potential anti-cancer drug ↓
Jan 18 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Meet Big Pharma’s greatest foe.
Barbara O’Neill.
This 71-year-old woman’s banned healing methods have saved millions of lives.
I've collected her top 8 lessons:
In her 20s, Barbara moved to the rainforest with her family.
When her children got sick, she turned to:
• Natural remedies
• Water treatments
• Herbs from her garden
Barbara discovered nature's healing power.
Jan 16 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
How to fall asleep in 2 minutes or less with the Military Method:
Lloyd Bud Winter popularized the Military Method in his book “Relax and Win: Championship Performance.”
This technique was created by the US Navy to help pilots fall asleep anywhere.