Aaron Collins Profile picture
Goal is to test and evaluate the best masks out there. Mask up and stay safe!
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Jun 1, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
[1/9]Seeing discussion about this study looking at total outward leakage of masks worn by infectious people. Some good takeaways but summaries are missing the bigger point –it’s all about fit and filtration and not that it was an N95(but it helps!)🧵
thelancet.com/journals/ebiom… [2/9] The notion that “N95 masks are best” is really just a byproduct of the test. Only one N95 was tested, an ACI duckbill, which are pretty nice. Had they tested a crappy large cup style, the results might have been very different. Why was this N95 so good?
Jun 16, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
[1]Looking to the future of Far-UVC
Catherine Noakes, University of Leeds
#ICFUST2023 [2]written in direct response to the conference (and during the conference) reminder: COVID has caused enormous caseload and death and pre COVID lower respiratory infection was already #4 cause of worldwide death.
Jun 16, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
[1]How it goes forward: A blueprint for communication
with the public about GUV
Kathleen McPhaul, University of Maryland
#ICFUST2023 [2] (First shout to Balvi for the support on this one! (

Going to address health literacy. The context is the extreme importance of getting the messaging right and letting this space make the change it can
Jun 16, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
[1] Roundtable discussion with participants from both governmental and non-governmental agencies on future regulatory pathways for Far-UVC
#ICFUST2023 [2] Moderator: Lew Radonovich (CDC, NIST)
Participants: Belal Abboushi (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Aline Heffernan (EPA Office of Pesticide Programs), Cameron Miller (NIST), David Sliney (perspectives from ACGIH), Richard Vincent (perspectives from ASHRAE)
Jun 16, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
[1] Germicidal Ultraviolet Light dosing
recommendations from the field
PJ Piper, Far UV Technologies [2] Overview of Upper-Room vs Whole Room(222 nm). Aside: Airplanes hard, need $300M insurance policy so not happening any time soon.
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
[1] Goniophotometric intensity and spectral measurements in the UV for a Care222 Excimer lamp unit with and without a filter and diffuser unit
Rolf S. Bergman, Rolf Bergman Consulting [2] We care about total photonic output for disinfection. Wanted to explore spectrum impacts off axis, and what happens with difuser.
Lamps: USHIO B1 with and with out filter, and also with added diffuser
Jun 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1] Accurate germicidal efficacy and photobiological hazard measurement of far-UVC sources.
Mike Clark, Gigahertz Optik GmbH
#ICFUST [2] Need better meters especially between fluence and irradiance. UV radiomerters - widely used, convenient
UVspectroradiometers - much more comprehensive
Jun 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1] Impact of test methods on Far-UVC performance against bioaerosols
Katherine Ratliff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
#ICFUST2023 [2] How effect? how to compare tech types? How can lab results be used to inform predictions?
How do extrapolate lab tests to real world applications?
Jun 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1]Far-UV Air disinfection performance testing standards
Wladyslaw Kowalski, Sanuvox
#ICFUST2023 [2] Opening with ASHREA 241P, target for 4-6 ACH, also opens door to eACH considerations which is good.
How do compare tech?
Note uses EAC(but I am going to use eACH since I feel we see that more).
Jun 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
[1] Developing guidelines for limiting excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation – The challenges
David H. Sliney, Johns Hopkins University [2]I might add to that last talk, it may be premature to be seeking regulations we've had guidelines that most people follow and have been fairly successful for a half century. There's a reason the FDA has high pressure lamp standards, not GUV They didn't see a public health risk
Jun 16, 2023 22 tweets 3 min read
[1]Regulatory framework surrounding UV-C and influencers to the regulatory process
Paul Jensen, Final Approach Inc.
#ICFUST2023 [2] video: Budlight pilot video
Need to balance risk with benefit, as well as cost and benefit. Risks of secondary adverse health effect, and need to look at the whole picture.
Jun 16, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
[1] #ICFUST Industry Panel Continued
Nardell: we need to think about where to make inroads. perhaps schools, but what about restaurant industry? where else?
Johansen; Easy. Malaria [2] Johansen presented research yesterday that this is the most effective mosquito repellent ever studied)
Nardell mentions that it kills poinsettias
Jun 16, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
[2] Lit Thinking
Lit Thinking - They are pre-revenue and committed to this. Sensors are their focus, can't fix what you can't measure. Share what's good for the world without ruining the competitive advantage. Far-UV can be game changing. Lots on sick building syndrome and ... [3] .. safe air. No market, no revenue, must build, but "you can't improve something if you don't measure it" not enough discussion here about measurement, senors, cost-benefit analysis .
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
[1]Synergistic efficacy of dual Far-UVC and blue-light LED Light: The Future of Disinfection
Amanda Gardener, AgResearch Ltd
#ICFUST2023 [2] How well does 222nm, 254nm, 265nm all coupled with 405nm blue LEDs work? Used Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus as surrogate, along with a saliva solution and put on various surfaces. Based line recovery with control groups and could recapture virus on surfaces deposited
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
[1]Assessing Germicidal UV (GUV) luminaires equipped with Hg, KrCl, and LED Sources
Richard Vincent, School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
#ICFUS2023 [2] Focus was looking at real world installation of lights and what are the doses. How do you field qualify an install? Looked at UV dot cards, and a biological biomarker test of a BS1 surrogate.
Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1]Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces in the built environment by irradiation from a far-UVC light source
Lukas Oudejans, United States Environmental Protection Agency
#ICFUS2023 [2]Can we Far UV for surface disinfection of SARS-COV-2? Questions include what surrogate to use, dose, material, wet or dry conditions, what can you dose with. Looked at 222nm KrCl, 275nm UV-C led and Pulsed Xenon lamp[
Jun 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
[1] Inactivation of Airborne SARS-CoV-2 by 222 nm far-UVC irraditation
Hiroki Kitagawa, Hiroshima University Hospital
#ICFUST2023 [2] Wild Type SARS-COV-2 aerosolized into a large 18 liter chamber, similar to Brenners chamber at Columbia. They arrived at a Log 10 reduction of 1.1 cm^2/mJ
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
[1]Far-UVC (222nm) efficiently inactivates microorganisms in the air and on surfaces and produces ozone in a single-bed-sized chamber
Waseem Hiwar, University of Leeds
#ICFUST2023 [2] This is a pre-recorded presentation. A mock room simulation looking at deactivating S. aurus and another pathogen(missed it) with 222nm. Collected aerosol using a Anderson 6 stage impactor and ozone monitored using 2B Tech(this is the right device to use!)[
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
[1]Comparison of cellular response mechanisms of human telomerase-immortalized corneal epithileal cells exposed to traditional UVC (254 nm) versus Far- UVC
Imke Folkerts, Columbia University [2] Is there a difference in human corneal epithelial cells when exposed to 222nm vs 254nm? Used human corneal cells used in solution and exposed to 222nm, 254nm, and control.
Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1]RNA expression differences in corneal epithelial cells exposed to 222nm, 254 nm, UVB and UVA radiation
Christine Lucille Kuryla, Columbia University [2] RNA gives us a clue about what happens in cells when exposed to Far UV light, 254nm, UVB, UVA.
Used corneal epithelial cell surrogate in culture, then exposed to UV, and allowed to recover, then sequence RNA.
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
[1]Impacts on Far UVC Wavelengths on human health relevant microbiomes including antibiotic resistant bacteria and opportunistic pathogens
Yijing Liu, Ohio State Univ. [2]UV Effects on ARB AND OP in Water/wastewater
ARG = Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
OP= Opportunistic Pathogen
ARB shows better response to 222nm, likely again better protein absorption of 222 nm.