Mathew Bowyer Profile picture
“You miss 💯percent of the shots you don’t take”
2 subscribers
Mar 5 13 tweets 4 min read
Inflammation is silently k*lling you.

It’s increasing the risk of chronic diseases, cancer, and arthritis, without you even noticing…

Luckily, these 10 natural foods can help reduce it by 20-50%, according to science:

1. Ginger Image Gingerols, shogaols, and paradols help with:

• Nausea & vomiting
• Menstrual cramps
• Digestive issues
• Arthritis

But Barbara O’Neill has a unique way to use ginger...
Mar 1 10 tweets 4 min read
Caffeine can make you a superhuman.

But 99% of you are using it wrong...

The result? Heart issues, dehydration, and insomnia.

Here is how to use caffeine properly (& avoid the toxic effects): 🧵 Image
Andrew Huberman has studied the human body for over 20 years.

According to him, caffeine has game-changing benefits for performance.

Stay with me to learn the exact benefits:
Feb 21 14 tweets 5 min read
Chocolate is the #1 brain-boosting substance.

Most people use it wrong and don’t even get 1/10th of its benefits.

Here’s why chocolate is one of the best foods for your body and how to use it to become healthier (backed by science): 🧵 Image
Chocolate is everywhere.

While most people are hooked on sugary versions that harm their health, they're missing its true power.

The common mistakes lead to:

• Skin breakouts
• Endless sugar cravings
• Weight gain

But when you know how to use chocolate properly, it becomes medicine for your body...Image
Feb 12 10 tweets 4 min read
Red light therapy is the secret weapon for longevity.

Elite athletes and billionaires use it daily to reverse aging, boost energy, and reduce stress.

Here’s how to use it properly and get all the benefits (starting today): 🧵 Image
Red light therapy is one of the most underrated bio-hacks.

• Better vision
• Slows aging
• Balances melatonin levels

Stay with me for the breakdown (you won’t believe how powerful it is). Image
Feb 9 11 tweets 4 min read
Brain fog is killing your potential daily.

It blocks your focus & awareness, making daily tasks feel impossible.

And 99% of people don't know the real cause.

Here's what triggers it & how to eliminate it forever: 🧵 Image Brain fog isn’t a disease.

It’s more of a “feeling”:

• Cloudy thoughts
• Struggling to solve simple problems
• Forgetting what you were just thinking about

And it all starts with one simple mistake… Image
Feb 1 12 tweets 4 min read
You are looking at the fittest grandpa on Earth.

Mike Millen is 71, but he outcompetes college athletes.

How? By following a specific routine for years.

Here is his routine & how you can apply it: 🧵 Image Mike prioritizes longevity.

And he uses key substances to achieve it…

(I bet you have it in your house but never consume it.)

Listen closely:
Jan 29 11 tweets 4 min read
Cinnamon is nature’s secret weapon for longevity.

Daily consumption reduces inflammation, controls blood sugar, and protects against heart disease.

Here’s how to consume it properly & (avoid the side effects:) 🧵 Image People think cinnamon’s useless, but it’s more valuable than you think.

It’s packed with antioxidants that help your body fight oxidative stress.

And that’s just the beginning… Image
Jan 24 11 tweets 4 min read
Cold exposure can turn you into a superhuman.

It boosts your immune system, promotes fat loss, and increases dopamine levels by 250%.

The best part? Just a few minutes a day is enough.

Here’s how to do it the right way (backed by science):🧵 Image
For the first 30 seconds, your forebrain (which controls decision-making) is “turned off.”

This is why people panic and start breathing quickly:

• It’s the body’s attempt to warm itself.

Let’s hear it from the expert…
Jan 16 9 tweets 3 min read
Having healthy lungs can increase your lifespan.

Training them daily reduces cancer risk, improves heart health, and boosts physical performance.

Here’s a science-based routine to keep your lungs healthy & prevent health issues: 🧵 Image Before we start, here’s a test to check if your lungs are healthy.

See where they stand and how hard you need to train them:
Jan 12 12 tweets 4 min read
Andrew Huberman’s knowledge of the human body is unmatched.

I’ve watched all 265 of his podcasts and collected the best hacks for brain function, performance, and mental health.

Here’s exactly how you can apply them:🧵 Image
We’ll analyze what Andrew Huberman recommends for:

1. Boosting testosterone
2. Losing fat
3. Reducing stress
4. Improving sleep
5. Gaining sunlight benefits
6. Doing a dopamine detox

Stay with me for the full breakdown:
Jan 5 11 tweets 5 min read
Turmeric is the No. 1 anti-inflammatory substance.

It lowers cancer risk, reduces inflammation by 30–50%, and strengthens your immune system.

Here’s how to use it properly & get all the benefits (science-based): 🧵 Image
Turmeric has many benefits, including working as a natural antidepressant.

Dr. Eric Berg, with 25+ years of experience in nutrition and chiropractic, highlights these key benefits:
Jan 2 12 tweets 4 min read
Fasting prevents diseases.

It helps the body fight cancer, obesity, and heart disease.

But if done incorrectly, it can cause low energy and crush your metabolism.

Here’s how to do it correctly (based on science): 🧵 Image
Here’s what fasting really means:

Eating only during set times and avoiding food for the rest of the day.

Before we get into how to add it to your routine, here are its top 3 benefits:
Dec 29, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Sugar is pure poison.

It’s the #1 cause of diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain.

Yet people consume it every day…

Here are 5 ways sugar is ruining your life (& how to quit it): 🧵 Image
Processed sugar is one of the most addictive substances.

Its effects are so slow, you don’t notice until it’s too late... Image
Dec 22, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Without testosterone, male health is destroyed.

You experience depression, memory problems, and increased body fat.

That’s why I’ve found 7 hacks to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

Here’s exactly how you can apply them :🧵 Image
Andrew Huberman explains that testosterone’s main mental effect is that it makes effort feel good.

Here’s what happens with low and high testosterone levels:

• Low: You feel stressed and depressed.
• High: You feel relief from anxiety.

Now, let’s break down how to boost your testosterone:
Dec 14, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
You are damaging your brain daily.

I recently came across Andrew Huberman’s protocol that teaches you how to permanently fix your dopamine-fried brain.

You won’t believe how simple it is.

Here’s exactly how to apply it: 🧵 Image
Boost your body with this simple trick…

Studies show that cold showers give a steady dopamine boost that lasts for 3 hours.

They also increase:

• Adrenaline
• Epinephrine

This is a healthy way to improve your dopamine levels:
Dec 10, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
I’ve watched 650+ Joe Rogan episodes.

While watching, I collected 11 life-changing lessons from geniuses like Elon Musk, Andrew Huberman, and Naval Ravikant.

(I bet you’ll get chills while reading them)

Here are the lessons (& how to apply): 🧵 Image
1. Procrastination

When boredom kicks in, tasks seem difficult to complete and excuses overwhelm us…

Do something a little more difficult than the situation you’re in.

• Cook a meal
• Make your bed

The dopamine you'll produce is meant to bounce you back on track: