Matt Dragon Profile picture
Dad, Husband, Principal Eng/Manager @BeneDataTrust; Co-chair @OurRevEssexNJ; @WestOrangeCERT; Tweets, thoughts, and bad takes are my own. He/Him
Jul 9, 2020 22 tweets 8 min read
IT'S HAPPPPPENNNINNNNGGGG! George Norcross and @NJSenatePres cap off what has to be one of the worst weeks of either of their lives both politically and legally with the final EDA Task Force report coming out. Just to recap, King George's hand picked candidate in CD-2 lost so badly the race was conceded 30 mins after polls closed. Before you think maybe he wasn't really all in, his PAC spent almost $500k, and George, not the candidate, was the first to concede.
Jan 9, 2020 68 tweets 11 min read
I'm going to be (attempting to) (poorly) live-tweet the @NewJerseyOAG Task Force on Youth Justice in NJ's Community Listening event tonight at Barringer High School in Newark. The Task Force was established by @GovMurphy. Youth of color represent 90% of the 70% decrease in county youth facility populations in NJ. Incarceration for minor offenses have been almost eliminated. 90% of kids in state custody have committed viloent offenses and have on avg a 5-year sentence.