Matthew F. McKnight Profile picture
Part of the team @ginkgo. Building biosecurity for the bio-century. I like this: or Like=interesting but not necessarily agreement.
Aug 28, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
Ok, summer is over 🫤🫤. Here are a few belated takeaways on the DoD Biodefense Posture Review (BPR) and what it means for biosecurity and biodefense via stream of consciousness [thread] below @concentricbyginkgo @ginkgo… (1/n) Biological threats are a century-defining problem and biodefense is a core DoD mission. Threats are accelerating because of bad actors' willingness to explore advances in genetic engineering and the combination of AI + biotechnology.…
Apr 15, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
(1/6) We've spent the last 2+ years living this pandemic and building tools to help manage it @Ginkgo and @concentricbygbw ... so when we see a smart, reasonable, informative, and HELPFUL take --- we know it. Thank you for this @DrLeanaWen... a short 🧵… (2/6) "Accepting that coronavirus infections will be part of our lives doesn’t mean that we are giving up. Rather, it means acknowledging that we finally have the tools to take away most of the coronavirus’s terrifying consequences."