Matt Duss Profile picture
EVP at @CIPolicy. Former foreign policy advisor for @SenSanders
May 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Imagine the US response if any government in the world held an annual fascist march through a Jewish neighborhood. This is what the Palestinians of Jerusalem are forced to endure and our government's response is "Our commitment to Israel is ironclad."
May 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is a key point. AIPAC/DMFI's way of showing that "being pro-Israel is good politics" is by spending millions on attack ads that don't mention Israel. If they thought they could win by arguing policy, they would do that. They don't. It's just pure bullying. Progressives welcome the Israel-Palestine policy debate within the party. We think one is long overdue! We invite our conservative opponents to engage in that debate in good faith rather than just run scurrilous ads that avoid the issue. It tells us a lot that they can't/won't.
May 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
In the Israeli-Palestinian context, "great replacement theory" is expressed as opposition to the Palestinian right of return, which treats Palestinians as a "demographic threat." US leaders condemn the former while constantly declaring support for the latter. It’s fine and appropriate to discuss the historical context for Israel’s restrictive immigration policies, which is different from the US. Should understand, though, that treating a disfavored minority as a “demographic threat” is an approach shared by ethnonationalist movements.
Apr 22, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on this piece by my friend and fellow 80's metal aficionado Steve Cook. I’ve learned a lot from Steve’s writing over the years but I think this critique comes up short in a way that’s fairly representative of the genre. Steve refers to “end endless/forever war” as “a neat and effective political slogan” which I guess to DC ears qualifies as pejorative, but I read it as a compliment: neat, effective slogans are a part of successful politics.
Apr 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
So maybe we should stop listening to the fools who get us into these wars in the first place. Marveling at the absolutely exquisitely polished marble-like brain of someone who argues that ending a military intervention after nearly 20 years and over $2 trillion "proves Osama bin Laden right: Eventually, America cuts and runs."
Mar 4, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Folks, here's a story showing how little Republicans actually care about combating anti-Semitism: Two weeks ago, as the House was about to pass HJ Res 37, the resolution ending US support for the Yemen war, House Republicans offered a measure adding language about the need to combat anti-Semitism.