Mattha Louis Busby Profile picture
roving journalist on health, drugs, society, environment ~ seen @ guardian, vice, times, intercept, double blind, et al ~ drug policy book
Jan 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
David Davis tells the Commons that the Covid death rate in Andalusia, Spain, has fallen steeply amid a proactive rollout of vitamin D to care homes and health centres. Says he understands the government in Madrid is considering rolling out policy nationally Davis highlights that two UK randomised study applications to look at vitamin D impact on Covid were turned down. He suggests these decisions haven't aged well, after a Cordoba study most notably suggested D was associated with an exponentially better mortality rate
Jun 3, 2020 37 tweets 10 min read
Crowds growing by Speakers Corner for an anti-racism protest in London after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. People are chanting his name and 'black lives matter'. Several thousand here already Here's a better photo #BlackLivesMattter #blmldn