Matthew Mercer Profile picture
Storyteller, VO Guy, Vincent Valentine, Minsc, Thirst Trap Ganondaddy, #TheLegendOfVoxMachina, CCO/DM of @CriticalRole. He/Him. Icon-@sephiramy.
Oct 22, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Fun little bit of C3 info under the Spoilers cut!
#CriticalRoleSpoilers For EXU, Liam & Ashley brought in the character concepts they were toying with for C3, taking the opportunity to develop them with @quiddie and feel them out over that series. If they decided they wanted to make new characters after, then they tooootally could! (2/6)
Dec 12, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
Since some folks have been asking since the Gorm pic, here’s a deeper dive into my recent, therapeutic obsession w/ painting @kingdomdeath minis, & some of my fav examples.

Painting minis has long been a centering place for me, and in 2020, I’ve needed it more than ever. As such, discovering the game and the challenges of bringing these amazing sculpts to life has given me a renewed inspiration to pick up the brush and release the tensions and anxiety that plague me. The chance to learn and practice new techniques has been a blessing.
Dec 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

Seeing some VERY weird conversation about planned “aging” of characters and the like... which is very much not the case? A randomly rolled encounter combined with unexpected player choices makes for unexpected outcomes. I’m seeing some really toxic discussions, based in (surprise) shipping spaces. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for shipping. I think, when engaged with in a HEALTHY way, can be a great way to enjoy media and engage with it.
Nov 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
What a wonderful way to wake up.

*pulls up boots* First step completed. Now for the real work to come. This system is flawed, our politics are corrupt across the board, and our country is fundamentally in need of some proactive social healing and reeducation... I have no illusions that THIS changes everything. It’s just a step away from the precipice. I’ll take a small victory.
Oct 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a great breakdown of the process of stuttering and how it personally feels. I went through years of speech therapy growing up to work on mine, and to this day my words still get caught, stumbled, or run together. I am mortified when it happens in a VO session. Certain phrases still trip me up continuously, & the triggering anxiety makes the stumbling worse. I’ve learned to try & calmly take a beat to try to reset. The kindest of clients (thank you) often will change the wording of the script to avoid the problematic phrase altogether.
Jun 25, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Countless years of watching my (mostly female) friends navigate the predatory landscape of events and industry, I’ve grown hyper protective. Seeing so many abusers come to light is such a necessary reckoning, but finding some to be acquaintances is deeply disappointing. I have seen behavior like the many speaking out have pointed towards. It’s pervasive in so many places, in so many industries, and it’s our responsibility as friends and genuinely GOOD PEOPLE to call that shit out and protect those who are targeted, in the moment and afterward.
Feb 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m hoping my struggle with the Powered by the Apocalypse system in Monsterhearts shows others that it’s ok to struggle through new things/games, and you can still have a good time. Also know that my example is far from a perfect representation of how the game is played either. I don’t wish to “teach” my mistakes. Should you pick up the game, learn along with me and listen to those who offer advice on how to learn and run it better. Many game systems are designed intentionally to feel and play differently, and learning that change can feel daunting.
Feb 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
As with most anything we do, we are but one avenue for entertainment, merch, etc. We appreciate the support, and work with community creators on much of what we do, but I also want to remind you there are independent community creators who do amazing, custom work! On theme... The amazing @marajade33082, who gifted the amazing bags some of us use on stream and worked with us on the standard dice bag we launched today, is nearing an opening in their wait-list for custom dice bags soon! Keep an eye out!
Jan 12, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Every six months or so, I see discussions pop up defending CR from people saying it “isn’t real D&D”. (Mind you, I don’t see most of the instigating statements, which might mean I have the right people muted...?)

Regardless, the whole premise of this argument is hilarious to me. First off, who are you to define what is real D&D? What makes your narrow, personal experience so unilaterally qualified to make that judgement regarding a game that is designed to create wholly unique experiences at every table?
Jul 12, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
If this world is to survive, it needs a LOT more empathy. We need to stop focusing on the things that make us different, because we all ultimately have far more in common than you think. We need to eschew the cult of personality, instead thinking and researching for ourselves. Give our neighbor the benefit of the doubt & listen. Exchange ideas & discuss disagreements with respect & intent to learn. Put ourselves in the shoes of others & try to understand their perspectives. Know that deep down, under it all, EVERYONE just wants to be loved & happy. <3