Mattia Nelles Profile picture
🇩🇪 Politologe & Ukraine-Watcher. CEO & Co-Founder of the German-Ukrainian Bureau (Deutsch-Ukrainisches Büro (DUB) gGmbH). Working on & in 🇺🇦 since 2014/15.
9 subscribers
Mar 23 9 tweets 4 min read
. @shashj is right: the transcript of the Tucker Carlson interview with Steve Witkoff worth analyzing… What stands out to me is how much he empathizes with Putin and how much he parrots the RU position. That simply doesn’t make a good negotiating strategy. /1 Few examples: Witkoff praises the recent progress and seems to be unaware of previous negotiation efforts in Qatar in the summer of 2024, where both sides already were reportedly close to a moratorium on energy infrastructure strikes. See:

Mar 5 12 tweets 3 min read
The CDU and SPD, the two German parties currently negotiating their new coalition, have ushered in a fiscal revolution that will allow Germany to spend "whatever is needed" on defense and boost infrastructure spending, too. That's a bid deal. Here is what you need to know: /1 Why now? The parties agreed to amend the constitution with the old convocation of the parliament BEFORE the next Bundestag comes into session in about two weeks. They do it because the new convocation, the political forces from the left and right could simply block this move. /2
Feb 6 4 tweets 1 min read
Fresh polling shows that 67% of Germans back 🇩🇪’s military support for Ukraine. Within this group, 27% favor increasing military aid to Kyiv, while 40% believe 🇩🇪should maintain its current level of support. Only 27% of respondents called for a reduction in weapons deliveries. /1 Image The poll also shows that a majority of Germans would be in favor of the Bundeswehr participating with other European troops in securing a possible ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. 59% of Germans are in favor of Bundeswehr involvement and 35% are against it. /2
Dec 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Umfrageergebnisse einer Bevölkerungsbefragung des Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr zeigen, dass die Wahrnehmung der Bedrohung durch RU und die Unterstützung für die militärische Unterstützung der 🇺🇦 leicht gestiegen ist.

Mini 🧵 /1 Image Daraus kann die Politik entweder einen Angst- oder Unterwerfungswahlkampf oder einen Case machen, warum die Freiheit verteidigt werden muss und wir dafür mehr ausgeben müssen… /2 Image
Nov 24, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Angela Merkel gehört zweifelsohne zu den wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten der 🇩🇪 Nachkriegsgeschichte. Leider beschäftigt ihre «je ne regrette rien» Einstellung zu Russland ihr pol. Erbe. Ihr kluges Spiegel Interview offenbart eine gewisse Unbelehrbarkeit. /1… Nord-Stream 2 verteidigt Merkel noch heute als Mittel günstiges Gas für die 🇩🇪 Wirtschaft zu organisieren. Kein Wort über die erzeugte massive Abhängigkeit. Dass Merkel diesbezüglich keinerlei Fehler sieht, muss man ihr und ihren politischen Koalitionspartnern klar vorwerfen. /2 Image
Nov 6, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
The government and ruling 🚦coalition in Germany collapsed after the chancellor fired the Finance Minister and head of the liberal party. Now, new parliamentary elections will take no later than March 2025. What's next and what does this mean for #Ukraine? Small 🧵 Image The background: the coalition was bitterly divided over how to handle the sluggish 🇩🇪 economy and future investments, in particular. Polling for all three ruling parties was down (see current polling versus results of 2021) and liberals are fearing for the political survival. /1 Image
Sep 19, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Unfortunately, the 🇵🇱-🇺🇦 relations have reached a low point despite mutual security interests in defeating Russia, strong economic ties, millions of 🇺🇦 living and working in 🇵🇱. For 🇺🇦, 🇵🇱 remains the key to interstate into the EU and the West. /1 Smallest statements, like the opinion of @sikorskiradek that one solution of resolving the Crimean question would be to put it unter a UN Mandate, lead to major pushback. /1…
Sep 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
„Nie wieder Krieg!“ skandiert der Aufruf zu einer bundesweiten Friedensdemonstration am 3. Oktober in Berlin. Die Demo will ein Zeichen der „internationale Solidarität“ senden, aber ich spüre nur Kälte und Indifferenz für die 🇺🇦Opfer des russischen Angriffskriegs /1 Fassungslos lässt mich zurück, dass wahrscheinlich mehrere Zehntausende die Einstellung der Waffenhilfe für die 🇺🇦 fordern werden. Man will ihnen zu brüllen, was das für die Millionen Ukrainer:innen bedeutet, die sich einem rus. Angriffs- & Vernichtungskrieg ausgesetzt sehen. /2
Sep 4, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
In Kyiv the biggest government reshuffle of the war is ongoing. After recess, the parliament is voting on dismissing several key ministers.
This reshuffle was long in the making. For Zelenskyy it is a normal tool to disrupt and, in his view, strengthen institutions. Longer 🧵 First things first, as @ChristopherJM reported comprehensively on this government reshuffle. What's important to know is that it was months in the making and the President and his team have repeatedly said that personnel changes were coming. /1
Sep 3, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
After I penned this 🧵, the Ukrenergo scandal escalated even further. Two independent members of the supervisory body of Ukrenergo resigned and issued a sharply worded statement calling Kudrytskyi's removal "politically motivated" without valid grounds. /1…
In their resignation statement, Daniel Dobeny and Peder Andersen write: "We believe that the decision to prematurely dismiss the head of Ukrenergo is politically motivated and, based on the results of the presented report, there are no valid grounds for it". /2
Sep 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
On the anniversary of Germany launching its brutal invasion of Poland, marking the beginning of World War II, the far-right fascists AfD win state elections in Thuringia & come a close second in Saxony. It’s difficult to describe the shame I feel as a 🇩🇪
?… The exit polls suggest in Thuringia are bleak. The AfD wins the election with about 33% and the other outspokenly pro-Putin populist Bündnis Sara Wagenknecht scores about 13%. That makes this state essentially ungovernable without either one of the two extreme forces. /2 Image
Aug 23, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Es gibt kaum jemanden, der medial so präsent in der Debatte über den russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine ist wie @ralf_stegner. Sein letzter Ukraine Besuch liegt sehr lange zurück. Jetzt reiste er von mir begleitet nach Lviv, Kyiv und Chernihiv. Ein Thread. /1 In der Debatte gehört Stegner zu denjenigen, die sich am meisten um Eskalation & Ausweitung des Krieges sorgen und sich stark für Verhandlungen und nicht militärische Hilfe einsetzen. Dafür muss er sich berechtigte Kritik von Ukrainer:innen und zahllosen Expert:innen anhören. /2
Aug 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Despite the war, law enforcement keeps working effectively even arresting some high profile people. The Intelligence Service (SBU) and Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) have arrested the Deputy Energy Minister. They caught him red-handed receiving a bribe. /1… According to the investigation, for a bribe of half a million USD, the Deputy Minister promised the heads of state-owned enterprises of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin unhindered transfer of mining equipment from the mines of the front-line region of Donetsk region. /2
Jul 23, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
New KIIS polling! Small 🧵

The share of those polled ready for territorial concessions rose to 32% and the share of those categorically opposed to any territorial concessions stands at 55% (the lowest since KIIS began such polling in May 2022). /1

Image Interestingly, there is only a small regional variation, and the east and south - most directly affected by the continuous RU onslaught - are most open to potential territorial concessions. /2 Image
Apr 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine this: Western/European allies take a EUR 150 billion loan to create a 🇺🇦 fund to pay for weapon systems it needs.
The interest cost of ~3 billion EUR p.a. is paid for by proceeds from frozen RU state assets. That we could do NOW and help alleviate financial pressure. /1 This is the idea of Torbjörn Becker, 58, Director of the Stockholm Institutes of Transition Economics (SITE) und Member of the Yermak-McFaul International Working Group on Sanction. I first read about his idea in this Spiegel interview. /2…
Oct 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Really interesting @wapo investigation based on over two dozen interviews with Ukrainian and western (former) officials about the daring SBU/HUR operations behind enemy lines and the CIA links with 🇺🇦 domestic & military intelligence services. Small 🧵… Little did most of us know that over the past nine years significant efforts were undertaken to train and equip both services. The daring and effective 🇺🇦 operations, even if not directly aided by the CIA, are a partially a result of that long-term assistance. /1
Oct 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The Ukrainian Corridors via the Black Sea continue to export more and more goods from the seaports of the Odesa region. How to make sense of these numbers?Small 🧵 According to the U.S. ambassador @USAmbKyiv, 740,000 tons of goods were exported from the three seaports of the Odesa region. These numbers do not only include grain or agricultural products. /1
Aug 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I deeply respect Lena Zerkal but comments like these are irritating. Germany is investing billions into the integration, childcare, healthcare etc. of Ukrainians and integration into the labor market is clearly in the interest of the 🇺🇦 in 🇩🇪. /1… So far, only about 18% of the 1.1 Mio. Ukrainians in Germany work. But 2/3 of those who aren't working say that they want to find work soon. This of course only goes through language skills. 3/4 are attending classes and see their progress of the 🇩🇪 improve. /2
Aug 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The number of refugees from Ukraine with temporary protection status in the EU has risen again above four million. Of these, almost a third were hosted in Germany, according to the European statistics office Eurostat. Small 🧵… According to the report, Germany hosted more than 1.1 million Ukrainian citizens and other third-country nationals who fled the war as of the June 30 cutoff date. That is more than in any other country within the European Union. /1
Aug 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The approval of Stalin as an interesting indicator to describe the differences of values of the Russian and Ukrainian societies.
In RU the approval for the Soviet dictator grew from 28% in 2012 to 63% in 2023 whereas in 🇺🇦 it declined from 23 to 4% in the same period. /1 Image The graph and the data are from a Kyiv Institute for Sociology (KMIS) survey published on August 3. /2…
Aug 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Nearly half of Ukrainians held in one of the 35 Russian detention centers in occupied Kherson were subjected to widespread torture including sexual violence, according to a report by international war crime investigators published Wednesday. A small 🧵 /1… The report contains an analysis of an initial sample of 320 cases of detention in Kherson in more than 35 identified places of detention.
Almost half of the 🇺🇦 held there by the Russians were subjected to widespread torture, including sexual abuse. /2…