How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App eerste: Amerikaanse burgers hebben geen recht om vuurwapens te gebruiken tegen de overheid. Ben je gek. Burgers mogen niet in hun eentje beslissen dat de overheid “tyranniek” is en dat bewapende geweld tegen agenten gerechtvaardigd is. 2/ “people from somewhere” v “people from anywhere” figure was invented about 2017 by UK squishy Brexiter David Goodhart, well critiqued here by Jonathan Freedland. 2/11 can't provide broad prosperity because it's a mafia state, based on corrupt crony control of the economy. Growth driven by rising energy prices is played out. Rising prosperity now requires entrepreneurship, property rights, a good investment climate. /2 simple version is one Matthew Yglesias already came up with years ago: American products have global reach because they are already design to succeed in a diverse society. Our movies work for many audiences because they have to work for a diverse American audience. /2