Matt Wallaert Profile picture
Behavior as outcome, science as process. Founder, author of Start At The End, dad of Bear. Need support?
Oct 12, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
1/ Success at startups is about moving from religion to science.

@rickygervais and @StephenAtHome are going to help me prove it (with a supporting clip from Sean Bean and Robert De Niro). 2/ At the moment, startups are essentially religious in the beginning. They are founded and funded based on two factors:

1) a strong belief that isn't commonly held
2) their ability to convince others to believe likewise…
Jul 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ “She just thinks about what Ivan must think his chances are…and she wonders why men are such terrible emotional statisticians.” @charles_yu

This is a thread about reading. 2/ I have odd reading habits. For at least the last ten years, I have read only fiction (except for journals, papers, news, and such). It is my belief that non-fiction can be summarized and that if I wait, someone usually will. And I say that as the author of a nonfiction book.
Jun 22, 2020 40 tweets 22 min read
Remember $5B startup that laid off mostly white guys with $$$ but didn’t give women/POC that option and increased their workload/cut pay instead? Meet @toasttab board: @steve_fredette @kentbennett @davelyuan @LeadEdgeCapital @BessemerVP @TCVTech + folks not on Twitter. Read on! In February, @toasttab raised $400m, bringing their total to $902m. Two months later, they laid off 50% of their workforce.…