How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App dialogue eventually needs to pass into the less superficial issues that are genuinely in play — the rise of extremely simplistic disparate impact analysis as a controlling consideration in progressive policy.'s my article from May 2021 about Tema Okun. wrote a long series about this effort to create a "post-neoliberal" economic policy vision for America. first big issue that emerged very quickly after publication was exactly how much of this was purely a housing / land use issue, and of course this has become a much more mainstream concern over the past decade. someone is dumping toxic chemicals in the drinking water, I don’t really care if it’s a small family farm or a publicly traded agribusiness conglomerate or a private equity play or anything else. this also worked in the opposite direction, as when Democrats became so sure in 2024 that Harris’ vulnerabilities were identity-based rather than issue-based that they selected Dopey White Guy Tim Walz rather than someone more impressive or who could help her in key states. the US context, if you roll the tape back to 2014 it was universally understood at the time that things like DAPA and the embrace of criminal justice reform were political risks. And despite those risks they nearly won in 2016. But it hasn’t worked out. be a resident in good standing of MAGA Island you need to basically say nice things about Trump — that’s a huge leap for many (he’s actually a scumbag!) but it’s pretty simple. has a long line of scholarship about the role of social movements and mass membership organizations in American politics, and she’s critical of the replacement of that form of politics by a politics dominated by professionalized insider lobby shops. I think you see every time I get into it with these people is that MAGA is sincerely terrified of discussing the concrete policy stakes — tax cuts for billionaires that explode the deficit, raise interest rates, and bankrupt social security. addition to slandering hotel staffers by pretending he got pushed, this guy and others kept yelling "why do you support fracking!?!?"