How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App ex, this announcement is possible b/c Congress passed bills allocating $50+bn to support Ukraine. This $600m is thee admin just drawing down from that funding and implementing the bill. The funding is what enables the US to give away equipment. Europe doesn’t have that. 2/ is common for countries to transfer used weapon systems. The US has the "Excess Defense Articles" program where countries come and pick up old US mil equipment and bring it home. This would essentially be that. Ukrainian pilots could come pick up the aircraft. 2/ problem outlined by @HalBrands of US military overstretch - split b/w Euro and Asian theaters - w/d be resolved by this EU initiative; paired w/ increases in German defense spending. Europe would be mobilizing to become a legit global military power.… was super easy to lose the thread on what actually happened in 2016. Not just b/c it became a huge US political scandal but it also descended into a tedious legal affair. FP analysts also (understandably) wanted to stay out of that morass and focused more on disinfo. 2/'s strategy to control Ukraine hasn't worked. After Crimea/Donbas, killing of Ukrainian forces, etc., Ukrainians quite reasonably want little to do w/ Moscow. They want to be European (as do many Russians). Neither grayzone efforts nor Minsk has worked. 2/