Ask Natalie Biden what happened! Profile picture
I've been labeled a "Domestic Terrorist" by the FBI, but don't worry—I'm not planning any nefarious plots. My only crime? Embarrassing the Biden Crime Family.
Jul 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Congress, you may want to subpoena Wickr messages from the Bidens. That's where the real juice got squeezed.

The Wickr Me app was downloaded a total 226 times through Hunter's iCloud account going back to 2012. Image Hunter connected his (202) 552-9396 number to Wickr, and shared this with contacts: Image
Jun 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Pillow is the money man for Zlochevskyi in Malta.… Sata Bank - and the smoking gun that Hunter had a bank account opened in Malta! ImageImage
Jun 9, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Meet the man who checks off all the boxes regarding our whistleblower - J Frank Mermoud - long-time board member of Cub Energy, extensive ties to the State Dep't, the Bush family, and the USUBC (US Ukraine Business Council) Image MTG notes regarding FD-1023 dated June 30, 2020
1.) Informant is a long-time paid CHS, over a decade, well into 6-figures worth of payments.

(Jules Frank Mermoud Jr has been involved with the USGov't for decades with ties to the private intelligence sector.) Image