andreas buechel Profile picture
cosmic transformation dance theoretician and sometimes experimenting practitioner
Sep 23, 2023 30 tweets 7 min read
in july 2023


"(...)the wealth of the richest people in the world to swell from $460 trillion last year to $600 trillion in 2027.(...)"… in april 2021 i wrote at

in a very rough calculation how of the 205,9 trillion private wealth globally about

100 trillion would be owed morally to those suffering today from poverty because of the about 100 million lives…
Sep 19, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
a child, a youth ... is a human being
if we respect the personal individual sovereignity of every human being, we honor the creative expression of every human being researching experimenting on the journey we all embark on in the one cosmic self female male human animal plant stones elemental fairies dragons elves ... how what when where with whom a child, youth and adult wants to be in what mixture combination gradient percentage ... how to love whom when to be where with whom
its all about choices
Sep 16, 2023 28 tweets 5 min read
what is the biggest wish i could have for myself and for everyone who wants it too ...

i guess its that every human being could freely design its body via feelings and thinking, choose male and female, human, animal, plant, elemental characteristics, properties, densities ... i do believe that the human being could become what it hungers for, that with the instant actualization ... mmmh.. i desire long for this or that ... so i just become that
the instant actualization to be this or that much male of female now and this and that much of human
May 27, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
i saw accomplished beings flying to places where people are lacking warmth are injured are sick
their wings alive feathers grown in plant tissue hosting lichen and microalgae gently they flap their wings what emit scents fragrances essential oils traveling on rainbow coloured waves emitted from the alive wings
as the accomplished ones are able to acess all genetic lineages of all species living on in planet earth and elemental beings sustain
Jun 27, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read… i think its stupid to fight the coronavirus as it has been sent to us by mother earth to help us clean up inside what we have not properly let go of,dense clusters of cells, emotional and mental blockages

we were born naked .. i can not find on my body written:
"get vaccinated"
Mar 18, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
going long on ape futures

its not everyday one is allowed to be a witness of an event when a bunch of human beings sympathize with the ape species and put their money where their mouth went before ... these 300 000 dollars being transferred towards a charity what will possibly be funded for the next 2 years to help making sure the last 1000 remaining gorillas in the mist continue to be able to live wild ... without cages, fences and the human abomination what is called ...a zoo
Feb 3, 2021 65 tweets 11 min read…

perhaps what we the majority of the human beings do everyday ... reading letters on paper or on screens ...
is a crutch, is a filter what hinders us from acessing the original pool of informations what is stored in the very matter, the materia, every atom, every molecule, every particle building a stone, a plant, an animal, a human being ... water, air and the very soil
eventually it is possible for a human being what has never been dominated, who has never been forced coerced into doing something against its very own
Feb 3, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read…

"(...)The egregiousness of the greed on display—a billion-dollar hedge fund, Melvin Capital, hoping to drive GameStop into bankruptcy during a pandemic—(...)" it makes sense to want to save a company what allows the gamer community to meet, exchange used consoles and games as downpayment for new ones ....
it makes sense to want to save a company what operates movie theaters ...
Feb 3, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read

the goal . . . perma writes in an email from her smartphone in her permaculture home to ascende in his city appartement. . . is to approach the eventually 2 billion people on the planet ascende chats back, i agree with you on the target… 2 billion people might have enough funds for the build of an android we migh have to do some monthly contributions scheme, for example starting with 1000 €$£ and monthly 300 for a period of one year ascende... makes it 4600 ... half of what the cheapest small car costs now
Aug 9, 2020 42 tweets 7 min read
a fair globalisation is built upon the local community being its own sovereign… globalisation
the planet earth is a globe
but even if it were a disk ...
the air, the water and the soil are all connected with each other
Jun 18, 2020 60 tweets 11 min read
the full assembly of all human beings of all ages of all places of birth, all who live here and now, in this local community, in this neighbourhood,in this village, in this town, in this city-district using mechanisms of consensus and qualified majority vote to create a local law a local community what is its own sovereign, a local sovereignity what is an absolute one, not a shared one ... what does in praxis translate into ... no international, national and or regional legal frameworks are accepted as to be imposed on the local community ...
Jun 16, 2020 57 tweets 14 min read… “An aboriginal society must specify the area that has been continuously used and occupied…the aboriginal right of possession is based on the continued occupation and use of traditional tribal lands since the assertion of Crown sovereignty.”
Jun 6, 2020 44 tweets 7 min read
i believe in voluntarism

an ism what holds most dearest the

free choice
for and by everyone

or alternatly formulated

everyone its own sovereign the believe and moral foundation that every human and animal and plant and stone etc. being is or would in the ideal situation, would be the one being who/what decides freely what to do and be, where to go or stay, how to live with whom
May 31, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
the full assembly of all human beings of all ages and places of birth ... living here and now in this local community ... creating all the laws what are valid on the territory of this local community what is its own political sovereign declaring independance of all regional&nation states and their legal frameworks what have "foreign investors protection" inbuilt
May 25, 2020 60 tweets 22 min read
@Greenpeace envisioning a future when every village, town and city-district... would be its own local sovereign

the full assembly of all human beings of all ages who live here and now meeting to creating all the laws and rules what are valid on the territory of this local community @Greenpeace the neighbourhood being in constant touch with each other to react to all what happens here and now, able to act quickly to mitigate damage caused ... the circle of all who live here and now seeking a consensus, how to solve this or that conflicts of different needs and wishes
May 23, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
*vegan nutrition
*organic agriculture
*community supported farms
*self-sufficient community/individual vegetable gardens
*cooperatives,worker-owned businesses
*complementary currencies
*local sovereign community creating laws via
full assembly of all who live here&now
=like/love *solidarity circles: mental,emotional&physical pain/ailments acknowledged and whollisticly treated
*reparations: past social unfairness,ecological destruction, ressource exploitations, harm done acknowledged& accompagnied with material compensation
May 23, 2020 42 tweets 7 min read…

one day a person wakes up and decides to say at a spontaneous press conference: obviously, the world will be a safe place without atomic bombs. if we wait for others, it could be a long wait. that is why i have decided to advocate and engage myself from now on for a total disarment. i will work for the total abolishment of all armed forces in this country and engage myself in building a civil society security what will build a safety net.
May 22, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
( i wrote this a year ago: )

to stop bossing each other around

would certainly improve the human species chances to evolve towards a species where compassion would be more important than competition, a human family where cooperation could be a voluntary choice perhaps starting with the children and youth … if the adult human beings could find it in them to stop telling the younger generation what they should do with their thinking and feeling potential …
May 22, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
i believe that no human being has the right to imprison an other human being

forced quarantine and forced self-isolation as it is threatened in switzerland…

"Jetzt kommt die Zwangsquarantäne
Die ersten Kantone beginnen wieder mit dem Contact-Tracing. Wer mit einer kranken Person engen Kontakt hatte, muss in kontrollierte Quarantäne."
May 22, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
at the very base of my


are my experiences of suffering from fellow human beings telling me

you must ... you should ... as a consequence of these experiences i carefully try not to do to others what has caused me harm

most of the times i speak about what i believe in, what my oppinions are, how i understand the underlying fabric of what i believe to be a harmonious way of living together
May 20, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read