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Edinburgh-based policy analysis collective, with a background in policy-making, research & communications. By @kathmurray1 @LucyHunterB & @lnmackenzie1
2 subscribers
Mar 5 14 tweets 4 min read
NEW: Our latest blog charts the extraordinary behaviour of Police Scotland over the past 6 years, in response to a simple question: could a rapist ever be recorded as a woman, because he tells the police that he identifies as one?… In summary, the national force, having previously said the answer to this is ‘yes’, is now saying ‘no’. This implies that Police Scotland has repeatedly misled a parliamentary inquiry by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee over the past 4 years. 2/
Mar 4 11 tweets 3 min read
Our submission to the @SP_EHRCJ Call for Views on the operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland is covered in today’s @heraldscotland.… With reference to policies published by Police Scotland, Scottish Government & the Scottish Prison Service, we show how public authorities are failing to meet their existing obligations in relation to protections for women & girls.…
Feb 20 21 tweets 6 min read
This article in today’s Telegraph highlights that the Police Scotland ‘Transitioning at Work’ policy is in breach of employment law. We have been raising concerns about this policy with PS and the SPA since it was first published in 2019.🧵… In 2019 we briefed Police Scotland HR staff on the newly published policy and explained that it was open to legal challenge. 2/…
Dec 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
We are quoted in this article in today's Herald about a letter sent by a number of women's groups to Nicola Sturgeon regarding recent comments she made in the press about the nature of opposition to gender recognition reform.… The letter was co-signed by us, @ForWomenScot, @Scot_Feminists, @ScotLesbians, @WRNScotland, @VoteWithOurFeet and @WWWheesht. Image
Sep 25, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
Our statement on Police Scotland's recording policy U-turn.… A letter from Police Scotland has just been published by the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee. It states: ‘The Committee should be absolutely assured that a man who commits rape or serious sexual assaults will be recorded as a male’.…
Apr 7, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Today we are publishing ‘A Woman’s Guide to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021’. The Act, which creates a new offence of ‘stirring up hate’ in relation to ‘transgender identity’, came fully in force from 1 April 2024.… There is a concern that the Act coming into force will increase complaints about what women say and a lot of uncertainty about how readily the police will respond to complaints by launching investigations.
Mar 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵On 27 October 2023 we wrote to the Chief Constable Jo Farrell, raising our concerns about Police Scotland policies on gender identity, and asked for a meeting to discuss these. The letter was sent onto DCC Speirs in his capacity as lead for Professionalism, lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and the Policing Together portfolio. An in-person meeting was arranged for 31 January 2024, at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.
Mar 19, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
In 2020, we wrote about how the long-time existence of a UK-wide offence of stirring up racial hatred was being used to play down or attack concerns about extending stirring up offences to a wider range of characteristics. 1/9… This offence was regarded in 1986 as being uniquely necessary for race. In its submission to the 2018 Scottish review, the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights opposed the extension of the stirring up offence to other groups based on absence of clear evidence of need. 2/9
Feb 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
As covered in today's @heraldscotland, the Scottish Prison Service took deliberate steps to avoid disclosing the operational guidance on its trans prisoner policy under Freedom of Information law, ahead of the policy going live.… The SPS was aware the operational guidance would be subject to FOI requests once it had published the main policy. Under FOI law public authorities can, however, refuse to disclose information if they plan to publish it within 12 weeks.
Feb 18, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
We are quoted in this Sunday Post article on the Scottish Prison Service transgender prisoner policy, and its report detailing female prisoner and staff views, which the SPS refuses to publish. Image The SPS has taken 5 years to develop a policy that ignores routine safeguards based on what sex a person is, designed to protect women. It has done so to benefit a small group of male prisoners who have told prison managers that they believe themselves to be women.
Oct 22, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Our latest blog looks at the Police Scotland LGBT Allies Toolkit, and questions how a scheme that asks officers to ‘evangelise their allyship’ to certain groups can be reconciled with a commitment to police impartiality.… What at first glance might appear to be relatively anodyne commitments to creating ‘safe environments’, using ‘inclusive language’, and encouraging ‘diversity of thought’, take on a different tone, when the detail of what this means is examined.
Oct 3, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Bringing the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 into force.

It has been reported that the Act will be brought into force early next year.… As we described here, bringing the Act fully into force will need further regulations making in the Scottish Parliament.…
Sep 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Ahead of next week's judicial review of Section 35 Order issued in respect of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, this thread provides some practical information for those who wish to follow the case. The case starts on Tuesday 19 September, and is scheduled to last for 3 days. It will be held in the Outer House of the Court of Session, in front of a single judge (the Hon Lady Haldane).
Sep 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
NEW BLOG: We follow up an earlier analysis of cross-border communications over the GRR Bill, using new information accessed via a review of an FoI request, and material both governments have submitted to the forthcoming s35 court case.… We found meetings were not held fortnightly, as described to the Scottish Parliament in April. There were ten meetings in total during the year. The previous FoI response omitted information held by the SG which would have made this clear.
Aug 31, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
We have now had a response to this letter./ Full text below, with the relevant extract of the business plan referred to (the actions highlighted in this do not however directly address the points in the letter).

Jan 29, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
THREAD. On 6 July 2018, we submitted a FOI request to the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) asking for sight of the equality impact assessment undertaken on their trans prisoner policy.… Image The SPS lists all equality impact assessments (EQIA) they have carried out on their website. No EQIA was listed for the trans prisoner policy. That is still the case today.…
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
We believe that this is the first time that the review of the Scottish Prison Service's Gender Identity and Gender Reassignment Policy has been described as being conducted "in partnership with the Scottish government."… The comment that the process is "nearing completion" should be read in the context of these comments in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday, 25 January, saying 3 of 5 stages are complete.…
Jan 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The SPS's Gender Identity and Gender Reassignment Policy, which provides the context for current media coverage of individual cases, is available here.… The underlying principle that accommodation should, as far as possible, be based on how a prisoner "is living permanently" is set out here:
Jan 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: The impact of replacing sex with gender identity in prisons policy was one of the first issues we considered and has continued to be a large area of concern for us. This thread brings together our blogs, articles and speeches on this, as background to events this week. In June 2019, Lucy Hunter Blackburn gave this speech to an event held at the University of Edinburgh. It summarised work we had done looking at the development of the relevant prison policy in Scotland.… Image
Jan 17, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
THREAD (picking up from the thread here.): From March to December 2022, we drew MSPs' attention to the interaction of the Bill and the Equality Act, as an unresolved issue. Often we did this with other groups. Notes we circulated to MSPs follow.
Stage 1 evidence submissions were invited by mid-May. We submitted this, later published on Bill Committee's website (and so available to all MSPs).…
Jan 16, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: In January last year, we submitted an FoI to the Scotland Office, to find out what approaches the Scottish Govt had made to it over the GRR Bill, since the second Scottish consultation closed, on 17 March 2020. It held no records of any.… This also covered the whole period since the UK government announced, in September 2020, that it would not be proceeding with a similar Bill, raising more substantial cross-border questions for the Bill than before.…