How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App FIRST time I saw it in my feed, I wanted to make an obvious Simpsons-type joke: serve beer and put a sportsgame on, of course, why is that even a question? are people in the replies acting like this is some kind of wacko fringe theory and I really don't understand it. Like... it's very basic market theory that companies charge the MOST they think they can get away with, right? plethora of inexplicable terfy comments below this is what told me it was A Thing and I looked for the origin point: fiction did help me imagine potential futures in real life, I'm not going to deny that. But even the canonical classic "all time greats" of SF include plenty of dystopias, such as 1984, Brave New World, A Canticle for Liebowitz... I think right wingers see the phrase “liberal arts” and think “oh, that’s the problem, that’s why people who go to college end up voting for Democrats. is already trashy balancer centrism which, for some reason — probably right wing propaganda — garnered a reputation on the right for being pro-Democrat. I used to hear “Clinton News Network” a lot back in the early GWB days. "you don't have the right to consequence-free sex" view makes the anti-abortion argument so clear: pregnancy is SUPPOSED to be a consequence of sex and women who try to escape this god-ordained consequence are wicked godless whores graduated in 1984, were 80s Gen X teens "apolitical"? 1:27 reads: think the first 7 books of Tales of the Rougarou, which function, like Harry Potter (and Buffy the Vampire Slayer), as a bildungsroman for the main character have the potential to become extremely beloved, based on this clip, you really don't know those bison are friends, maybe he's thinking "I've always hated that guy, now's my chance" say so-called because biological gender essentialism is actually just patriarchy again, even if it “hates” men Republicans say is “true” in the sense of “factual”’ve been making fun of these people since the 1980s I’m not about to stop now. was touring a local Christian college — local means western Washington — with members of the youth group, and I’m not sure why I was even considering it?“Vengeance is mine” declares THE LORD