Mckay Wrigley Profile picture
I make AI stuff. Teaching AI skills @TakeoffAI, building codegen tools @CodewandAI, open source AI chat @ChatbotUI. Investing in AI startups.
Jin Ho Hur Profile picture UnknownUnknowns Profile picture Jerome Ku Profile picture Robby Zhang 🚢 Profile picture Gabriel P Profile picture 7 subscribed
Mar 13 5 tweets 1 min read
I’m blown away by Devin.

Watch me use it for 27min.

It’s insane.

The era of AI agents has begun. Devin feels like the ChatGPT moment for AI agents.

Exceptional work from the Cognition team.

It’s going to be fun to experiment and figure out where it’s most useful in its current state.

This is the worst it’ll ever be - the future is bright!
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
ChatGPT just killed Siri.

You can now:
- use ChatGPT with Siri
- start new chats
- continue old chats
- sync chats to ChatGPT app

I built “Let’s Chat” so everyone can take advantage of this and have a more powerful AI voice assistant!

Install:… How to adjust starting prompt and switch to using GPT-4.
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
LangChain 101: Models is live!

Come learn the basics of using models in @LangChainAI - great for beginners!

This is part 1 of @TakeoffAI’s 100% free 6 part LangChain 101 course.

Click the link to start the lesson as a project in @Replit.

Take Course:… Image The 101 track will be relatively basic.

I’m a strong believer in both understanding fundamentals and in helping onboard beginners!

But I plan on doing 201, 301, and 401 next to build a series of stepping stones to become a pro AI developer.

Part 2 (prompts) drops tomorrow.
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Can you imagine if Drake made his own AI music app where anyone could use his voice to create new songs?

It would become the #1 app overnight.

Millions of paying users in hours.

It’s all anyone would post about.

There are *wildly* interesting opportunities for artists in AI. Grimes gets it.
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
AI is bringing in a *massive* new wave of people who are learning to code.


They want to run & build AI programs!

One of the interesting developments around this is that GitHub is becoming a sort of AI App Store.

And git clone is now the download button for AI apps. I’ve seen a lot of pathetic gatekeepy behavior from programmer vets towards our new friends.

“Oh noooo auto-gpt has more stars than PyTorch now what are we gonna dooooo.”

How about encourage them?

More people are discovering the magical world of software - welcome them! :)
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
AI music is here.

This is the 1st example of AI generated music that *really* wowed me.

This guy ghostwriter977 on TikTok made a Drake x The Weeknd track that’s actually kind of insane?

You’ll soon be able to make unlimited music by your favorite artists on demand with AI. If you told me this was a leak from an old mixtape I would’ve 100% believed you.

Imagine where this is in a year…

Obviously there are a ton of major copyright questions and whatnot, but you can’t deny that this is going to became a huge thing *really* quickly.
Apr 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Introducing AI Brainstore!

It’s a proof-of-concept of a brain for an AI agent.

Ask an agent a question, it checks its memories for an answer, otherwise it browses the web and learns the answer.

As it learns, it saves memories to its brain.

GitHub:… I *really* encourage people to go wild with experimenting here.

You can do some pretty outrageous things.

As mentioned in the clip, I’m going to try and show a more advanced example this week.

I’m just very swamped, but I wanted to at least get a basic template out :)
Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Well that escalated quickly. i got exposed smh Image
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
GPT-4 has its own compression language.

I generated a 70 line React component that was 794 tokens.

It compressed it down to this 368 token snippet, and then it deciphered it with 100% accuracy in a *new* chat with zero context.

This is crazy! This example is pretty simple - strips away stuff like vowels, etc.

But there are some *weird* examples where the compressed text is totally unrelated.

Currently using @gfodor’s prompt, but there are others out there.


Compressor: compress the following text in a way……
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jarvis is now reality.

My GPT-4 coding assistant can now build & deploy brand new web apps!

It initializes my project, builds my app, creates a GitHub repo, and deploys it to Vercel.

All from simply using my voice. Built with @CodewandAI.

Our 1st tool (of many coming!) comes out soon.

It’s not this one, but this feature is on the way.

Excited to start sharing these next-gen AI devtools with you.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
What if writing code was as simple as talking to your device?

Watch my GPT-4 voice assistant:
- take in a complex coding task
- write the code
- create a PR on my GitHub repo

All I had to do was tell it what to do.

This is the future of software. Powered by @CodewandAI.

(and yes I can use it on my phone too but I need my phone to film haha)
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The issues with Chatbot UI & OpenAI have been resolved.

Huge thanks to their team for the quick response and the clarity on what happened.

OpenAI was *exceptionally* helpful here, and it’s very important to me that you all know that.

Now… back to building! Image And I apologize for taking down the site without warning.

Didn’t have any interest in legal issues so I complied immediately.

I’ll always do anything I can to keep it up for you if you can’t run locally!

I pay a decent amount out of pocket to keep it up bc I believe in it.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have been informed that I need to take down the hosted version of Chatbot UI immediately.

If anyone at OpenAI could clarify the issue I would appreciate it.

Is it the name? Is it the UI?

I love OpenAI, and I just want to build a good open source UI with tools for users. I’m really hoping it’s just a naming conflict that they want resolved, and if so I get it and am happy to change it.

I truly think the world of OpenAI - everyone there has been very kind and helpful to me and I admire them greatly as an organization.

Let’s get this resolved :)
Feb 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Clarity AI is live!

It’s a simple @perplexity_ai clone that shows you how to implement up-to-date info from the web into OpenAI powered search queries.

Try it here:

Code is 100% open-source.

GitHub:… Image To use it you’ll need an OpenAI API key.

You can use any of the following models with the estimated OpenAI cost per query:
- text-davinci-003 (~$0.03/query)
- text-curie-001 (~$0.003/query)
- code-davinci-002 (free in beta)

And you can clone the repo and implement your own!
Nov 19, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
So @dhof just released a new contract for Corruption(s*).

It looks like the insight mechanism may be used to "deviate" your corruption into another art piece.

The 1st piece is the "wilted rose" and you need a corruption with at least 4 insight.

100% on-chain art. ImageImage New contract here:…
Aug 4, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts on productivity…

Simple. Specific. To the point.

17 ideas. Here we go: 1/17

Caffeine works. Miracle drug.

I take 300mg/day in two 150mg doses.

I don’t drink caffeine within 10hrs before bed (~2 half-lives).

I also fast 36hrs once per week which helps reset tolerance.
Sep 7, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
The surprising habits of original thinkers from @AdamMGrant: (thread) 1) Originals get their most creative ideas when procrastinating.

Procrastination gives you time to:
-think in divergent ways
-explore tangents
-move in non-linear ways
-make unexpected leaps

“You call it procrastinating, I call it thinking.”
— Aaron Sorkin
Sep 4, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
@rabois’ sharing of Aaron Harris’ “raise less money” post @elamje’s thread of obscure @naval Tweets
Sep 4, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read
My 25 favorite bookmarked Tweets from August: (thread) @ayushswrites guide on 1st principles thinking
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
Psychologist Richard Wiseman conducted a study to test this question:

What’s a better method to create a connection with a stranger - mirroring or positive reinforcement?

Here’s what happened 👇 1) Wiseman used 2 groups of waiters in his study.

One group would use mirroring.

The other group would use positive reinforcement.
Aug 17, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
We asked our LearnFromAnyone users to share some of their favorite experiences with the app so far.

They learned from everyone from Dan Carlin to Peter Thiel to a food historian.

Here’s what they shared 👇 Teacher: Dan Carlin
Topic: Samurai History
User: @swapp19902