I want to talk today about a methodological issue in #genomics research that has been around a long time but is still a major problem.
The reason is that today I reviewed another manuscript that has this exact problem.
First some background.
In genomics research we often do profiling of how genes are switched on and off in disease and development, and in these profiling tests we identify dozens to thousands of genes that could play a role in those processes
Feb 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I'm pissed. Today I reviewed a MS that made wild claims based off enrichment analysis that (a) did not
use a background gene set and (b) did not use FDR correction of pvalues. Oh and the supplement had Excel gene name errors. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
Everyone knows peer review is broken. We have too many crappy studies and too few quality reviewers, and the result is mountains of crap getting into pubmed.