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Aug 7, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
'Progress! Progress?', The Black Panther (July 3rd, 1971)

Since the Hampton movie is hyping up the 'Judas' angle, definitely worth reading this on the function of black TV roles as cops, feds, spooks, and agents.

[The scan is hard to read so I'll post full-text at the end]
'producers of TV programs know that what was once acceptable to Black people is not anymore. If their gov bosses do not tell them then Watts certainly did. So [they] concoct the Black person serving the needs, not of his ppl but of this oppressive gov, as a guardian of its laws' Image
Jun 8, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
The day after MLK's murder, CIA/FBI civil rights infiltrator, Jay Kennedy, advised LBJ to invite Mahalia to sing at a memorial in DC and suggested rolling out Sinatra to "sing hymns known and loved by the black race" in order to help defuse the anger of 'embittered Negroes' This, the same Jay Kennedy, who, a few years prior, casually discussed with his CIA handlers the optimal timing and conditions for MLK's assassination and the importance of having a "clean" figurehead ready to take MLK's place.
Feb 17, 2020 31 tweets 20 min read
You know who else played a huge role in bringing the mass murderer Goni to power? Tad Devine.

It's also no surprise, Bernie selected his decades-long advisor and friend, Devine as his chief campaign strategist for 2016, only splitting w/ his firm this past year. Thread⬇️ In the 2016 cycle, Sanders impressive 'grassroots fundraising', bringing in $135 million from small donations was a major talking point. Less talked about is where some of that money went.…
Feb 5, 2020 20 tweets 13 min read
Bernie's foreign policy advisor, Matt Duss, is awful in his own right, but it's also worth pointing out that Matt's father, Serge Duss, has spent at least the last 40 years in key roles for CIA front orgs, so is very likely CIA. Came across a couple interesting nuggets in this (terrible) profile of Matt Duss. His anti-communism comes from kulak family. Father was 'aid worker' for a Christian NGO who took the family to Philippines during the CIA's brutal counterinsurgency…
Jan 24, 2020 24 tweets 22 min read
Ben Norton: UK Helped “Anti-Imperialist” Libyan Dictator Gaddafi Crush Dissidents (1/24/15)… ImageImage Ben Norton: Remembering Assad’s Hama Massacre 33 Years Later (2/2/15)… ImageImageImage
Jan 21, 2020 37 tweets 19 min read
A thread on Wyatt Reed, once a US contra operative in Nicaragua, now with the Grayzone clique, attempting to infiltrate Bolivia's social movements Reed's history as a regime-change operative in NI was first brought to my attention by OLAASM, who shared Reed's comical conversion letter. Before I get into the letter and the article it's from, some background is in order

Nov 20, 2019 32 tweets 18 min read
Thread on Ximena Purita Banegas Zallio (aka Ximena Banegas): rich girl from Santa Cruz, deployed in London as a fascist native informant, founder of regime-change front Action For Bolivia and Extinction Rebellion cultist. While digging into a different fascist's background, I came across a Banegas interview from Sept. on Channel 4 in an extended segment on the fires in Bolivia. A quick search revealed Banegas had recently finished her Masters in dance, so I wondered:

Nov 10, 2019 9 tweets 8 min read
Meet conservation biologist, Claire Wordley, another early propagandist for the fascist coup in Bolivia and a leading voice in the ruling class Extinction Rebellion cult. Her late-August articles in Conversation/Novara, then picked up by BBC/Guardian & others were among first to spread & intensify the color rev campaign for Anglo audiences. All the campaign talking points are already in her articles.

@RancidSassy's thread
Oct 25, 2019 11 tweets 7 min read
Here's Jacobin helping to lay the groundwork for the US coup attempt against the Bolivian government. both articles are lengthy attacks on the Morales gov, which even for Jacobin standards, are light on even cursory recognition of the achievements of the people and states they target