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Against Hindu-Drohis in politics/society ... RTs Do Not Imply Endorsements.. Follow my passion - for Parents of young kids.
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Feb 24, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Behind tall claims of Rozgar & "Global Hub" of this & that.. manufacturing sector has been steadily on the decline affecting the Industrial output index & employment.. This note by BITS Pilani cautions their students on possible disappointments. Modi is CLUELESS about employment Image Modi does not have a damn clue about jobs, unemployment or job creation.. he doesnt have the brains for it... so he covers it up with LIPSTICK NAUTANKI of issuing appointment letters to govt clerks in installments.. the PM doing the job of a peon..
Jan 14, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/3.. In transit.. I dropped in at Ayodhya 3 days ago just to take a look. This is the AYO Dham Stn that @NarendraModi inaugurated last month. Its actually in shambles.. even FOB stairs arent ready, escalators not ready, o/s is full of filth like the whole of UP @myogiadityanath Image 2/3.. The Ram Manjid too is barricaded, incomplete, unfinished pillars and iron rods sticking out like sore thumbs.. roads dug up for lipstick for Modi.. Wonder what was the hurry for the pan patties by an uncouth, unqualified dhongi..
Dec 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
There are BLIND ones who constantly keep whining about doles to Muslims in relation to their popn & BJP not getting votes as a "reward". Doles & Revdis are bad regardless of the beneficiary. But these coolies miss the REAL AGENDA of Modi that is in their face... @FltLtAnoopVerma Image So, Q is not why Muslims dont vote for BJP despite so many doles. The Q is why many Hindus should foolishly vote for Modi-BJP when he has not made ONE single policy for ALL Hindus. Historically, Hindus have stupidly invested in FALSE saviours like MKG..
Sep 25, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
How Modi Screwed India V China - Part 1 - India is a democracy but has Commies as govts, incl Modi.. while China being Commie pursued free-market policies since 1988. The story of why India lost the economic race with China & further doomed by Modi...…
Image The post says Nehru to Modi all screwed India.. Modi the MOST... Trying to cleverly juggle stats is STUPID... Well.. presently.. China is 18Tn.. while India is stuck on 3Tn... so Modi screwed the most.. that is 6 times?.. Is that your argument?
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
1/5.. #OdishaTrainAccident .. How the dice rolls and how PM @narendramodi responded to the tragedy.. The accident reportedly happened at 18.55 on June 2nd. It took 12 hours for Modi to realise the impact and cancel his Vande Bharat ribbon cutting sked for June 4.. hes VERY QUICK! Image 2/5.. #OdishaTrainAccident .. Having cancelled the VB ribbon cutting.. @narendramodi then had to do something to convey he is looking into the train crash.. so he holds a "high level" meeting with cameras & his PR guys circulate the imagery.. so that you know hes on the job.. Image
Jun 3, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Why exactly are you wearing a helmet @AshwiniVaishnaw .. Are you worried the train engine might fall on your head... I dont see anyone else with a helmet... #PonziActors... #TrainAccident Accidents can happen with the best of systems.. that is understood.. But when morons like Modi brag so much, flags every stupid train... then its right for citizens to mock him.. Dont sermonise on accidents.. only dumb ones think accidents NEVER happen
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
1/4.. #TheKeralaStory is a TRUE STORY of the Negligence, Dereliction of Duty by @rajnathsingh @narendramodi & now like victims these guys are exploiting a movie over the crimes they themselves created... @JPNadda is merely a sidekick LIAR.. Lets see how.. 2/4.. #TheKeralaStory When the ISIS raised its head in India.. all evidence was available. In 2016 @rajnathsingh said theres no ISIS threat. In 2017 he said Muslims are very loyal they wont fall for ISIS.. Whos the LIAR & who encouraged ISIS crimes in Kerala? ITS BJP! @JPNadda Image
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1/3.. More nonsense from @Profdilipmandal .. there is no controversy over Janeu. And NO.. Your Ambedkar is not an authority for us on anything. As for indoctrination.. BRA's 22 vows contain the MOST HATEFUL lines of indoctrination of adults teaching hatred 2/3.. Muslims practice Sunnat & FGM with young kids causing PHYSICAL HARM... This hypocrite @Profdilipmandal has no problem with that.. but has a problem with the innocuous Janeu which doesnt teach hatred nor causes any harm to anyone.. So shut up..
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Kudos to Elon Musk... he has actually helped millions from reading the crappy JUNK that media outlets peddle on Twitter... Its a great boon for Twitter users.. Musk is a very smart cookie... in one stroke he has PURCHASED the loyalty of entire worldwide media... without spending one lousy dollar on it... even if the media doesnt make much money... Hahhahaa...
May 1, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/4.. Lets understand the stupidity of this SC ruling on divorce.. Does anyone go straight to SC for a divorce? NO! SC wont entertain & even if its stupid enough to entertain.. it wont rule till 6months or even 2 years.. So how does the waiting period go? 2/4.. Even otherwise.. there are certain grounds like physical or mental cruelty/torture or adultery.. where the family court is already empowered to give INSTANT divorce.. Usually that too takes a month or more..
May 1, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
She is highly educated... was voted the most beautiful Dean at a top US college... is an amateur actor too.. she was also a deadly force earlier in her career... Guess who she is... Image She is Asha Rangappa.. the real "Quantico" woman.. an Indian-American Kannadian (Although she also says "Kanarese").. a Vegetarian.. the first FBI Special Agent of Indian origin.. I dare @Profdilipmandal or @nitinmeshram_ to pass an FBI entrance test.. Image
Apr 30, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
There must be 2 million school teachers in India... Of which 1.9mn will be rotten slouches who know zilch about education.. The B.Ed program they pass must the dumbest qualifier.. Inferiority problems of dumb students cant be solved this way.. First thing to be solved is the nonsensical testing of fringe subjects like history, geography or civics.. these are GK subjects.. not higher level THINKING subjects.. but govt itself is full of uneducated morons.. and thats the problem... @DrlathaC
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
This is becoming like Lal Singh Chadda... except the pheku... no one seems too excited about it.. #MKB... Modi has been continuously doing some daily bakwas on something or the other.. Theres a fatigue to everything in excess... whether MMS silence or excessive bakwas of Modi.. Naturally.. people are fed up with his bakwas..
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is fake... Image Hahha... I didnt do anything... someone is selling fake icecreams in the name of Baskin Robbins..
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
1/4.. You call yourself a "Professor". I wonder what you teach your students. Whole day you abuse UCs in your class or what @Profdilipmandal The Biden admin has 130 Indian-origin emps. How many do you think are SC/STs or the US govt is also caste-based? Image 2/4.. You abuse Brahmins & their Janeus.. The Janeu costs only 10 bucks a piece. Im sure @Profdilipmandal you can buy 100s of them & wear it.. LOL! The Janeu becomes sacred by the ritual & the oaths a Brahmin takes.. All the oaths are about serving Dharma & society, incl animals Image
Apr 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the worst practice introduced by NarcPutra Modi... that he is the only contestant... and the others are just a bunch of idiots filling holes.. Voters must not fall for such nonsense & look closely at their candidates.. Stop BSing me.. Thats not what the BJP guy said in the quoted tweet.. And Modi himself said in Himachal that people should forget the candidate and vote for him.. Even in being a #Moditard... DO NOT LIE...
Apr 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
How to indicate 91 with your fingers... Even a little joke hurts #Moditards... The stupidos consider this to be "criticism"... Let it hurt 91 times... LOL!...
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/2... There are 4 Marriage Acts in India... Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Special... While the religion-based laws are specific ... the "Special" can be used by anyone of any religion or non-religious.. There is a beauty & stupidity in these laws.. 2/2.. Unless Ive missed anything.. none of the laws specifies that a marriage must be between a male and female.. It consistently mentions "persons"... So.. under law.. "Same sex marriage" is already legal in India.. LOL!... @narendramodi @KirenRijiju ..
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
This compulsion to eat at a gareeb house for photo ops is a despicable practice... That too with the family just watching you hog.. @sambitswaraj .. Watch the girl in the right corner.. She has a look that says "That much we eat as a whole meal for 6 of us"... Image Stupid response... as if that old woman smiling justifies all this... Does she have an option?...
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Brahmins are taking over America. Radha Iyengar Plumb is the latest... My fear is.. these Brahmins may unleash a reverse "Hisab Chukta" doctrine against backward Indians.. And Vishwadaru @narendramodi is unable to stop it.. @Profdilipmandal @nitinmeshram_ This Radha Iyengar Plumb graduated from Princeton.. was earlier professor at LSE & then at Harvard... These Brahmins keep taking all the top jobs.. while in India we are finding it hard to find "Best of failed with 5 marks" for govt jobs... @narendramodi..
Apr 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
No.. it is NOT TRUE for most high speed trains in the world.. Dont fart nonsense... Fact is.. Indian tracks and weather are NOT conducive to high speed currently.. therefore nothing unusual in Vande ave of 83kmph.. but bragging 180kmph is equally faaltu.. Rajdhani & other superfast trains average between 55-60 kmph.. so compared to Indian SF trains... Vande Bharat seems like VERY HIGH SPEED to some people...