🎃 Mark 👻 🟡⚪️🟣⚫️ Profile picture
Enlightened via https://t.co/bRbwiodDZz Groundlessness, but, like, hyperanalytical. 10k-20k+ hours like water flowing downhill
Jul 17, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm always messing with my diet, and, previously, weird diets I've tried led to fatigue, insomnia, cravings, etc. But, I think I've found the perfect diet, or, rather, the right conceptual distinctions. Research bears it out, though I don't have references on hand. Some people will be like, "duh," though it's taken me a weirdly long time to settle on this. There is a adaptation period, depending on what you've been eating. It's ok to cheat while adapting.

So this borrows the phrase "slow X," and it's basically the fad thing.
Jul 17, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
on meaning, goodness, badness, aboutness, intentionality, secondary properties:

(linked and in-line below) Non-meaning-laden experience (which is still accompanied by knowing) is prior and constitutive of meaning-laden-experience. Meaning lives in between self and other/world. Meaning is entanglement between self and other/world. (Goodness and badness live between, as well.)
May 14, 2021 32 tweets 5 min read
After the Bar: a Fictionalized Account of Meditation

You cannot believe they said that.

A void opens in your stomach. Your hands tremble. Stress sweat prickles. You don't hear what they say next.

You laugh hollowly; you smile superficially. You turn away, and they've already forgotten. They laugh and smile with the others. The bar hums, clinks, clatters, and laughs around you. It's just another Friday night, after a long day. At least it's the weekend.

But this is not your day or your month.
May 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
kinda cool:

I did a two hour jogging thing on Monday, then forty minutes yesterday. Then I was too sore, so I bought nice shoes today, and I was able to jog for ten minutes, and I had to walk the rest of the way. I’m being super careful about overtraining (plenty of sleep and food)--today was interesting in that the new shoes took care of all muscle soreness, and I wasn’t out of breath, and I was having fun. But I just couldn’t do more. Like something in me wouldn’t let me.
May 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
in training periodicity decisions, I basically ignore my muscles, excepting being literally unable to perform due to pain or movement failure

but I scrupulously monitor the recovery trajectory of tendons, ligaments, insertions

my body loves it tho; I never ever force anything hmm this will be misinterpreted

I never come even remotely close to rhabdomyolysis

and nothing requires an act of will/effort
Feb 17, 2021 29 tweets 4 min read
(0a) I'm having a low-key, exploratory, commercialization networking call, with respect to my stuff, and it inspired me to try to make some bullet points with respect to context and key, counterintuitive constraints. (0b) Note! I ran out of time to edit this, so there's super-compressed and maybe cramped and cryptic tweets jammed into this thread, but I figured better to get it out the door.
Dec 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Going to try to summarize memeplexes in a way that’s unobjectionable from the inside: Rationality:

Arrange the mind such that different data actually (1) ranks considered hypotheses differently, (2) promotes different hypotheses for consideration, out of the global possibility space, (3) modifies actions/plans (for more utility/data). Do this relentlessly/Win.
Oct 23, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
"I've got muscle tension in a spot on my back."

(A) "Therefore, I should (gently) attend to it."
(B) "Therefore, I should distribute my attention throughout my body, evenly."
(C) ???

People make choices in meditation based on usually implicit models of meditation/mind/etc.! 1/ Those choices are usually uninterrogated, and they matter.

Ultimately, meditation is implicit, procedural knowledge, like riding a bike. 2/
Jul 21, 2019 21 tweets 3 min read
Weight loss brain fog etc. thread 0/ (1) Once fuel released into circulation, it actually gets into cells via insulin.
(2) If no insulin, cells starve.
(3) If cells can't respond to insulin, cells starve.

Jun 6, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ So, I'd mostly always been relatively thin, faintly athletic. But, I was starving all the time, often w brain fog if it ate the wrong things for too many meals, & I couldn't breathe through my nose for days after eating some foods. &, low mental/physical energy, slow healing. 2/ Eventually, I lost most of my allergies from meditation, and I could eat as much pizza and ice cream as I wanted and still breathe fine at night. And, so I did, for a while. The physical and mental energy plus fast healing were amazing, but I started gaining weight.
May 4, 2019 74 tweets 12 min read
1/ Yesterday, @vgr challenged people to summarize this by @lou_keep : samzdat.com/2017/06/01/the… ; 2/ To re-summarize, the market is eating everything in a way that's making it alarmingly more difficult for people to have the social relations they want. It's alarming because social relations used to protect people from the market.
May 3, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ Shitty summary of this: samzdat.com/2017/06/01/the… 2/ The poor (the non-elite people) live better than the kings of old, and it’s probably going to keep getting better if the world doesn’t fall apart.