Megan Basham Profile picture
NYT bestselling author, reporter @realDailyWire. Other words: @wsj @nro @firstthingsmag @telegraph. Unabashed church lady. Aspiring matriarch. Eph 5:11
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Feb 7 8 tweets 7 min read
Let's talk about the import of what @JoshDaws uncovered here. What he found is that @BillKristol's explicitly partisan, anti-Trump organization, Defending Democracy Together, gave $200k to Redeeming Babel, which developed @drmoore @DavidAFrench and @curtischangRB's church curriculum to help "reframe Christian political identity."

How did they go about executing this reframing among Christian voters during an election year?

Let's take a look... At the start of an election year, @cccuorg encouraged its 185 member schools (and roughly 520,000 students), including @WheatonCollege @biolau and @Baylor, to use the After Party curriculum in their chapel services, discipleship groups, theology and pastoral classes, and in student book clubs. Many of these Christian schools offered chapel credit for attending After Party lectures.

Wheaton held an After Party event featuring Chang and Atlantic writer, @TimAlberta. Many other schools like Baylor and @ACUedu also welcomed The After Party to campus to speak to their students about politics.

Many large churches all across the country also hosted The After Party to speak to their congregations about how they should think about politics.Image
Jan 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Please note the incredibly manipulative tactic of Matt Crawford, Pastor at a Southern Baptist Church in Cordova TN. He calls for unity and a unified church, and then injects incredibly divisive politics into his sermon during the gathered assembly. Plus, he erroneously warns of “raids” in churches as a result of Trump’s immigration orders.

This is also misleading. The new order’s intention is to allow ICE to arrest specifically targeted criminals without first obtaining special approval.

I would certainly hope if the pastor of this church had an alleged rapist or terrorist in his building with the church members, he is charged with protect protecting, he would allow the authorities to arrest that person.

There is absolutely no evidence that the Trump administration plans to start indiscriminately raiding churches. This is rank scare-mongering.
Jan 21 7 tweets 3 min read
The media will now rely on its time-tested tactic of showing only one side of the immigration issue. This will particularly affect Christians who of course feel a call to show kindness and love to the suffering. But you need to understand how the one-sided approach works.

This is an email that @CTmagazine’s new executive news editor sent out shortly before Trump’s inauguration today.Image Note that Olasky is ONLY asking for on-the-ground stories related to illegal immigrants who are being caught up in raids. He is not asking for stories of families or individuals who have been negatively impacted by immigration.

He says CT has reporters on the ground who will be “covering what happens to immigrants and refugees beginning on Jan. 20.” But there is no expressed interest in reaching out to people who may see the raids in their communities as a positive thing.
Sep 13, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
In light of @realDailyWire's first theatrical release, @MattWalshBlog's Am I Racist, it's worth remembering how much DiAngelo's poisonous ideology of CRT and antiracism infected even supposedly conservative evangelical institutions .

Azusa Pacific included White Fragility as a "resource" for becoming "engaged allyship and committed to deepening their anti-racist knowledge and work." (The link, which I cite in my book, Shepherds for Sale, is still live).…Image
Baylor's School of Social Work still has their antiracism statement up, complete with DiAngelo's work on the recommended reading list "to produce ethical social work practitioners committed to anti-oppressive practices."…

Aug 13, 2024 40 tweets 14 min read
An Open Response to J.D. Greear.

As Greear is the first major figure in my book to publicly object to my depiction of his statements and actions over the last few years, I’ll deal with his objections one by one. Greear feels it was not fair to mention his sermon wherein he said the Bible whispers about sexual sin because he later released a statement reversing his position after two years of pushback.

But the fact that he did later say that he does not believe that the Bible only whispers about sexual sin is something I myself noted in the paragraph he quotes. Where then is our disagreement?
Aug 3, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Of the many distortions and outright falsehoods in @warrencolesmith's Dispatch piece, here are two. First, Warren says he received "no response" to his request to interview me. Blatantly false, as demonstrated here by some of our text exchanges. (that last cropped bubble is me giving him my email address).Image
Another falsehood--he claims I did not deal with abortion rates going up under Trump. Here is where I do, right there in my chapter on the pro-life movement. Image
Jan 2, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The fact that Muslim jihadists are killing Christians for sport in Nigeria is getting next to no attention from American political leaders. Let it not be said that it’s getting no attention from American Christians. I’m sad I didn’t see this until today, but here is one way to help.
Nov 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I never see the evangelical “abuse crisis” quantified in hard statistics or even in the way of broad specifics at all. It tends to be individual stories. Many are terrible and should be lamented & addressed. But crisis suggests something particularly widespread and systemic. I’ve never seen anything to justify that.
Essentially “apocalypse” is a media narrative that no one questions because you’re a bad person if you do.

That’s not to see there haven’t been egregious cases. But calling it a crisis in the church has not, so far, been merited in terms of incidence rate.
Nov 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Southern Baptists should be aware, if they are not already, that @LeatherwoodERLC, head of the ERLC, the lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been leading group to block the release of the shooter's writings. Leatherwood told NYT that the group has told their attorneys to "leave no stone unturned…to prevent any of these writings…from ever seeing the light of day.”

Also worth noting there is nothing in the pages Crowder released that would aid copycat crimes. Shooter's primary motivation, at least in these pages, appears to be racial hatred against white people.

The Daily Wire is part of a group of media outlets suing for the release of the shooter's writings.
Aug 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
For those asking, here is non-paywalled reprint of my original Francis Collins article. It details his funding/ support of transgender research, including experimentation on children. Also his support/funding for experimentation using aborted baby remains.… Please note he declares himself a firm LGBTQ ally. Also, here is my coverage of his support for forcing people to get vaccinated under threat of job loss.…
Aug 10, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Meet Caitlin Campbell, the small business owner in the viral video. She grew up in Lynchburg, VA before moving to Toronto. She started Street Brew Coffee w/ her dad. Those who guessed she’s an activist were right. She DOES advocate a social cause...
Helping the homeless get back on their feet, particularly through job training and employment. A part of Street Brew’s proceeds go to helping the homeless get “back into society by providing job skills, housing and a bank account.”
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
These guys have such unequal standards. They claim deep concern about abuse but cheer as ethical the leader who used clergy-penitent privilege to avoid a grand jury subpoena to testify regarding a church staffer charged w/ multiple counts of first-degree sexual abuse of boys. These are public records that were not included in Houston Chronicle’s Abuse of Faith series or Guidepost report though both knew about it. Why would they not include the most significant and best documented case that was more recent (2004) than others?…
Jun 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Some facts on Cat. 4 for Ministry Check site. Credibly accused is based on a "preponderance of evidence" standard. What that means is anything greater than 50%. So if an investigator is 50.01% convinced accused is guilty, he would add name to list. Basically its a coin toss. Proponents argue this is the same standard as civil court. This ignores 4 facts. 1) Accusers & witnesses in civil court are subject to perjury charges and financial penalties for lying—a threat they don’t face from independent third party investigations.
Jun 13, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Wild going over run up to '21 SBC, examining the manipulations & falsehoods. This bizarre (but successful) ploy just one example.

Bethancourt releases 6 mins of audio from 5 hours of meetings, broken up into 5 disjointed clips. Key ppl cheer & pretend this is remotely ethical. Instead of more audio, Bethancourt provides *summaries* of what he says the context was (!!😂) Yet key clip is misquoted by two major outlets in the EXACT same way. Houston Chron & RNS both report Floyd says "I am not concerned about anything survivors can say." Nope. Listen.
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
According to legacy media, the queer drag nuns are just “satirical” charity group. Morning Wire looked into their charitable activities and found they raise $$ for the children’s trans center at LA hospital that provides minors puberty blockers/surgeries.… So the @Dodgers are not just honoring an anti-Christian group that mocks Jesus with sexual performances, they’re honoring them for helping permanently damage children’s bodies and natural sexual function.

Cc: @CatholicVote
May 20, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I rejoice in this story that is so like that of my friend Rosaria Butterfield. Jesus saves, Jesus frees us from slavery to sin. But that is a different question from whether the views of the saved person demonstrate discernment and ability to teach in sound, biblical fashion. And this thread, cheered by so many SBC leaders like SEBTS president @DannyAkin seems to suggest that if we do not overlook Gilson's comments about the option of celibate same-sex marriage, then we are discounting her wonderful testimony. We're not! But she does seem confused.
May 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here’s what pastors need to know— billionaires are funneling tens of millions of dollars into organizations to intensively train LGBTQ activists to come into your churches and undermine sound doctrine on gender and sexuality. We’re talking college-level training. If you aren’t teaching your church members, what the Bible really says, they will be left unequipped and will be sitting ducks for this false teaching. You cannot whisper about this topic and fulfill your mandate to contend for the faith and equip the saints.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is just anecdotal, but I spoke to a number of pastors whose churches have left the SBC for my article on Mike Law’s @sbcamendment. I read through emails from dozens more who have left. The big issue from every one was a sense of cultural compromise and drift. They expressed their concern over an increasing lack of doctrinal convictions and leadership’s unwillingness to address these concerns. One pastor in FL had come from the UMC and he felt he saw the same thing happening in the SBC and decided to pull his church out.
May 4, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
What to say about this exercise in dishonesty & schadenfreude from Moore? First there’s the nasty manipulation of “If Christianity for you is white & American…” Who feels such? I’m not saying such don't exist, but they are fringe, not the avg Christians Moore is talking about. And suggesting that those who watched Tucker do believe this is to be vicious as possible under the guise of sanctimony—the worst form of self-righteousness.

It also, ironically is an attempt to create fear (and loathing) of a group that is a fictional caricature.
May 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Reading Du Mez's warnings in Guardian about the Wilsons' artistic endeavors is hilarious: "Conservative evangelicals have a long history of advancing their religious & political values thru popular culture.”

They advance their values thru CULTURE?! WUT?!!… But wait, you guys, it gets worse!!

"She added that evangelicals produced media for other evangelicals seeking to shield themselves & their families from 'corrupting influences' in secular culture." 😱😱😱

How dare those ppl not just gorge on perversion we want to feed them!
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing evangelical Christians are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly gentleman's discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ." "It is a conflict on the level of ideas between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality. It is a conflict on the level of actions between a complete moral perversion and chaos and God's absolutes. But do we really believe that we are in a life and death battle?"