Megh Wright Profile picture
senior comedy editor @Splitsider @vulture @NYMag
Aug 26, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
You know what? I know this is an account dedicated to Decker quotes, but let's get into this because they're calling me a "shill" over a shitty thing I wrote in an article almost five years ago. That article taught me several important lessons. I wanted to write about why I thought Danger 5 ruled at the time, and in an attempt to reference how it reminded me of Tim and Eric's comedy, I insulted the shit out of Tim and Eric. Tim was, understandably so, pissed at me about it.
Mar 29, 2019 167 tweets 86 min read
After the whole saga with @TVOvermind ripping off one of our posts yesterday, I started poking around there and have yet to find a single post that links to any sources. Which is weird because they aggregate a lot of news. I also have been trying really hard to find the writer of their version of our Hans Moleman piece, who has pumped out five other articles, over 4k words, no links in any of them, since yesterday.
Jan 31, 2019 14 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Whoa! Interesting #FuckFuckJerry update, per a helpful source who sent me this tip. Today, the FJ Instagram account deleted 260 posts! Last column is new media uploads/removals. cc @timheidecker @VicBergerIV @pattonoswalt The green column in the middle is the # of followers added per day. You will notice that since #FuckFuckJerry began, the amount of followers added per day went from averaging 5 digits to 4, and then look at today - wow! Compare gaining 11.8k followers per day to just under 2k.